Diet/nutrition during hospice

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    Kim….I agree with the above. When is a better time to enjoy the enjoyable? If donuts are your mom’s choice then why not serve it to her?
    Best wishes,


    Kim, my mom was put in hospice in 2005, from stage 4 cancer. She was placed in a nursing home, and the staff pretty much allowed her to eat whatever she wanted. But like Lainy mentioned about Teddy, my mom did not eat much either. And as time progressed, her appetite was less as well. The main thing the staff and hospice mentioned was for my mom to be as comfortable as possible.



    Hello. Kim. My husband and your Mom are at the same stage together. We have been with Hospice for a week. I agree with Kris. His likes and dislikes have changed so drastically and often but I totally feel we don’t have to sweat the small stuff anymore. I let him eat what he wants which isn’t much. He really has no favorites anymore but I have found comfort foods work best for Teddy. I made chicken paprikash this week, pasta, rice. Anything comforting. Home made soup is tops. Our Nurse only recommended Carnation Breakfast drink and he likes that. Teddy has fought an uphill battle for 5 years and I am not going to ask him to fight further. He is tired at almost 78, but he is at peace with every one and everything. He is ready.
    Bring on the fast food and bring it fast! No time to waste. The only thing I notice is “gassy” foods really bother him. Hospice gave me several phamplets and in one of them they mention foods. You might ask for the phamplets. There is also one that tells you what to expect as you near the end. Very helpful. So, with all that said, enjoy making memories at this stage and the bottom line to me is comfort for your mom inn what ever way she chooses.


    I think she should eat what she feels like eating if it is givinig her enough calories. By this stage the feeling of not enjoying what is left to enjoy is probably worse than any damage bad food can do. Just my opinion as a patient.



    My Mom had CC recur in June after last year’s successful resection, chemo, and “remission” declared on Christmas Eve 2009. The numerous tumors that appeared all over her liver weren’t touched by one round of Gemzar in July. That, coupled with rising AST/ALT, bilirubin and CA19-9 numbers, it was decided no more treatment would be pursued. She was admitted to home hospice a week ago.

    She is very weak and has trouble getting around, much of this due to pre-existing bad knees and back/hip problems, spending most time in her hospital bed. She sleeps a lot, but has periods of awake time too, and still watches her favorite soap opera every day at 1pm. She still interacts with us kids, grandchildren, and all the various hospice workers. She’d been displaying increased confusion over the last 2 days or so, but we’re seeing some improvement in that today. She still has her appetite as well, some days more than others.

    She is at my sister’s house. My sis has two young children and has backed off from working 4 days a week to 2 days a week (as a home hospice nurse, no less). So she has less time to prepare meals than I do. I love to cook and I work mostly from home, so I’m trying to prep some meals/snacks ahead of time. I try to have lots of fresh produce – home grown tomatoes, cucumbers, cantelope, etc., and lean meat dishes with chicken.

    For anyone with experience at this stage, what kinds of things should she be eating? When she’s craving a cheeseburger happy meal, or wants a donut for breakfast, part of me wants to protect her liver, but the other part says what the hell? She’s on hospice, so if she wants fast food she should have fast food!

    I’m quite conflicted about this. Any thoughts, insight or advice?

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