Taking a vacation

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    Hi Rick,

    Just to say hope you and Cindy have a ball. I have been to Atlantis but just as a day trip whilst we were on a cruise that docked for the day in the Bahamas.

    It was fantastic!!! Enjoy :)




    Go, go, go! As oppossed to thinking about which wing, I would focus more on the room type, do you want an ocean view for example. Also, think about working with a travel agent if you are not already doing so. They still are able to work with some wholesalers to the Caribbean that can be less expensive than booking on your own on the internet. Lastly, read the travel insurance brochure carefully. Be sure you choose one that waives pre-existing conditions as long as you purchase within 10-14 days of booking your trip.




    I say GO, also. Even though Teddy was extremely tired, we cannot put a value on that trip home for 2 weeks. And while the Bahamas are out of the Country they are not that far. Go and enjoy!


    Just GO Rick. GO!!!


    Rick….I am thrilled for you. It is always difficult for mom’s to leave their babies and yes, Cindy may need to be reassured often that your little one is doing just fine. But, that is a small price paid for the wonderful time the two of you are able to spend together. I don’t know anything about Atlantis either and I am looking forward to hearing all about it. And, now that I am a grandma also I can’t wait for my daughter to leave my little grandson in my care. It will be enjoyable for your parents and in-laws also.
    Best wishes,


    I’ve never been there, either, but it sounds and looks fantastic. I think you are making a very wise decision to go and enjoy your time with Cindy. You both deserve a break from cancer. I went on vacation this summer, too, and I say go for it! Post pics!


    Never been there Rick so I expect a full report when you make the trip and get back home. Quality time when you are feeling well is a blessing and one to enjoy. It is good that the grandparents are so close. And tell Cindy she can call every night.



    Well, I have finally convinced my wife that we can take a vacation. The holdup was that she was pretty attached to our infant son who is just now 10.5 months old. He was breast feeding and is just now weened and eating well. So, she feels comfortable enough (with a little encouragement from me) to take a long weekend vacation. I want to stretch that to 4 nights/5 days. We are so blessed to have both sets of grandparents nearby and able to help watch our 2 kids. My parents are retired and her parents have flexible work. So – between the grandparents we have some great fill in parenting.

    I’ve decided that I want to go to Atlantis Resort in the Bahama’s. Cindy has pretty much let me choose where we are to go because this may be one of my last big out of town events with just the 2 of us. That fact sits in the back of my mind and I try not to let it bother me. But I do have a funny feeling that it may be one of the last chances I get while I am still feeling relatively well. I have to decide what I will do with chemo. Since I am only taking Xeloda right now I suppose I could just skip one week, but I’ll talk with my docs first. The biggest thing is that I want to fully enjoy this trip and not feel yucky at all. To be on the safe side of things I am going to book a checkup trip to Mayo Clinic in a couple of weeks so I can get a preventative stent change in and a checkup CT scan. I’ll also talk to my docs about the out of country travel. I don’t expect they will object – but I am buying the trip insurance just in case. The only thing holding me up from booking the trip is getting the appointment dates set with Mayo so I can leave the week or 2 after that.

    This vacation will be a little bit more costly than I want it to be, but again I am trying to justify that by the consequences. I also realize that I am a little bit sensitive about keeping my family on a good financial footing and the thought of spending any unnecessary funds is tough. However, it will be an excellent time for Cindy and I have to some good quality time together while I am still in realatively good health. Hopefully I will not have any episodes with pain or dehyrdation while I am there – that wouldn’t be good being out of the country and all.

    Has anyone ever been to Atlantis? Any suggestions or recommendations on things to do while there? Or which wing of the hotel to stay in? I’m really excited to make the most out of this trip that we can. And I don’t want Cindy to be worrying too much about the kids back at home – I know that will be harder for her than it is for me.


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