Ph levels

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    Hello, InGodsHands–

    In addition to ICC, I have dealt with another illness called systemic candidiasis. The books on that sometimes touched on this issue, because some authors also felt it true that the yeast (candida albicans) thrives only in the acid environment. Failing to control my yeast problem with diet, I eventually controlled it mainly with a drug, fluconazole, which never solved the problem, but controlled it. Please note that the dieter himself, me, not being able to completely stick with the diet was a part of the problem–but the diet alone truly proved insufficient , anyway.

    There is also a book out by a Roman doctor, “Cancer is a Fungus,” (candida albicans) which even my Nutrapathic Doctor doesn’t see as having sufficient science behind it, but perhaps there is a relationship. If the doctor is wrong, then we are dealing with an entirely different illness here–cancer.

    I think there is something to the acid/alkaline balance issue, and I have much to learn before forming a final opinion.


    Personally, I don’t have any experience however, I don’t see anything wrong with trying it. Hopefully, there is someone out there to enlighten us about the possible benefits of such a regiments.
    Best wishes,


    Good morning everyone. I just got back from my trip to see my father in SC. He is healing well (surgury 2 weeks ago–see “Introductions”), but his appt. w/ his surgical oncologist was deflating to say the least. He told us he is a “realist” and that my father would die from this. Just adding fuel to the fire!!! I’m even more fired up! Difficult does not even begin to explain how I felt when I saw my father’s face in reaction to that statement. NO WAY. Buck up guys, we’re ready to fight. I just have to get my dad’s head in the game–that was a blow.

    So, we have our appt. w/ Dr. Morse at Duke Health later this month. In the meantime, I’ve been reading about balancing the acid and alkaline in your body. I have a friend who is beating stage 3 breast cancer. She is a pitbull and has done her research. She went through surgery, chemo, and radiation. She swears that her diet has played a major role in her “win” against cancer. She has referred us to “The Biochemical Machine 2” and the website

    Does anyone have any opinions on the Ph balance? Drinking alkaline water, etc? From what I’ve been researching, it appears that cancer thrives in an acidic environment and most everything we put in our mouths is acidic (leading me to read ALL labels lately–scary). However, in an “alkaline” environment, it can’t grow.

    Doctors seem to seek the traditional methods of therapy w/ chemo and radiation, etc. I’m curious to see what my father’s doc would say about Ph? I’m sure it can’t hurt….fruits, veggies, things they say we need anyway.

    Thank you all for your responses. May God bless every minute of your lives.


    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And he shall direct your paths.”
    Proverbs 3:5″

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