my mom seems to get worse with each day

Discussion Board Forums Supportive, Palliative & Hospice Care my mom seems to get worse with each day

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  • #41448

    melzhd….Welcome back. I am so sorry to hear about your mom’s problems with the recurrence of this cancer. Have the physicians treating her ordered hospice? And, what have been the results of the recent treatments?
    Best wishes,


    My mom was diagnosed 2 years ago with intrahepatic CC and immediatly had part of the liver removed. With hopes of them getting it all but that was not the case. She then has spent the last year recieving chemotherapy which seemed to be working and keeping the tumor from growing. In July we found out it was now getting bigger and they wanted to do radiowave therapy and embolization. We had it done 6 weeks ago and now she is getting worse with each day. I called in Hospice last week and they have been a big help but I am still confused with what this is all about. Is this the end? She only gets out of bed to go to the bathroom? I feed her as much as she can eat and have her drink lots of fluid and hope she doesn’t get dehydrated. I just hate seeing her this way and keep thinking each day will be better than the last. I was on this site 2 years ago when she was diagnosed and it really helped me understand this horrible disease. With early detection I was hoping she was going to beat this but now I am not sure.

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