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    Lainy….let’s talk about this. I don’t believe that we are quite ready however, that does not mean that indivicuals cannot request tissue storage. I will e-mail you.


    Tissue Repository for research definitely will happen for our cancer it is a question of


    OMG WOW I just posted this on my Face Book. This is huge! I assume there is no tumor tissue storage at this time? I would love knowing that Teddy somehow played a part in this Research. I am so elated about this news, I am washing my face with tears of joy!


    Thank you Marion for letting us know that there will be more to come. This is very exciting indeed and I am so looking forward to hearing more about this when they develop. And no, you are not to blame at all for not keeping us all up to date with everything, you do an amazing job here for us all!! And it is much appreciated indeed by everyone.

    This does seem like such an exciting, vibrant time with so many possibilities out there for further research and development and let’s hope that so much good will come of it all, I am sure that it will. And I assume that next February will once again be CC awareness month so that is also something to look forward to!




    Kris and Gavin….absolutely, there will be more things to come. I am to blame for not keeping everyone abreast with all the developments and our work behind the scene. I promise to do a better job in the future. Be assured though, that our work has paid off so far in that this disease is receiving the attention it deserves; we have aligned with physicians, researchers and medical institutions, worldwide, we are looking into tumor tissue storage for research (genomics,) continue to increase fundraising efforts, future foundation locations for individual countries and, much, much more. I will give more details in the near future. (Just wish for more time in order to accomplish all the tasks in front of us.) And, Kris, we are all part of this organization, each and every member included. Every contribution is recognized and appreciated may it be in the form of participating in this forum, attending conferences, spreading the word of this foundation, or donating valuable time and money to our cause.
    So there, this is for all of us.


    I confess, I have forgotten to “keep up to date” through the loose leaf notebook. But now I am truly informed and have even spread the news of “our” new grant via facebook.

    A BIG thank you to everyone who volunteers so donations can go to the foundation’s goals and not to paychecks and overhead. I bet that we would rank very high up on charities who use their money the way they should.

    …..dont you like how I use “we” and “our” when describing Foundation business. The Foundation has really made this forum and its members feel a part of this group and its cause. It is truly special.



    Yes this is indeed a huge step Marion! Do you think that there will be more initiatives such as this promoted by the CCF in the coming years? I do hope so. And yes, you are so right in that we will make an impact on this cancer, a huge impact and we will succeed.




    This is a huge step for the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation and it keeps to it’s promise that all donations are to be designated for research of this disease. Therefore, dear Gavin, you and the many others devoting their precious time and energy to this foundation will be rewarded with knowing that we have made an impact on this cancer. And, we will succeed.


    You bet I’m following the blog Marion and this is indeed a very exciting development! Lets hope that a lot of good comes from this award and that we can make some exciting progress here.

    Best wishes,



    The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation is excited to announce that it is partnering with the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in supporting a 2011 Young Investigator Award in Cholangiocarcinoma Research. The Young Investigator Award is a one-year grant designed to encourage and promote high-quality research in clinical oncology, and supports early career researchers in transitioning from a fellowship program to faculty appointment.

    The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation is committing $50,000 for funding a promising investigator in his/her early career cholangiocarcinoma research.

    Read more on our blog.

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    lot’s of interesting information

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