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  • #41524

    Hi Andrea,

    I hope that the prescription works for your dad and I will keep my fingers crossed also for Wednesday. It’s about time that his stents started to work as they should do.

    One of my dads nurses told me the same thing about not looking for stuff on the internet and I just ignored her. But she totally changed her tune once I started asking very pertinent questions and one of dads gp’s was happy to discuss stuff with me that I had read here. Who are these people to tells us not to research and seek information about CC!

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    Good luck Andrea with the prescription. Lets hope it works.

    My doctor knows about the site too. She doesnt come to view, but relies on my findings to help steer the discussions and treatment.

    Sometimes doctors are so full of themselves.


    Andie…..good luck and fingers are crossed for this darn stents to finally do what they are supposed to do.
    Best wishes,


    Oh, Andrea, you are too funny. But know what? We do have to speak up for ourselves and our loved ones. Our ONC knows about the sit but is glad I am on it as he says it has helped me be where I am and I agree. Good luck with the blockage.


    Went to see Dads doctor today. He hasn’t got an infection, his one stent is blocked. Booked in Wednesday to have either ERCP/PCT to either unblock or add another stent. Can’t see how they can add another stent as he already has one partly inside another, and this along with the tumour is making his left stent much smaller. We will see what magic they can do Wednesday.

    Did mention giving Dad URSO to thin bile, Doctor did write prescription out but told me it wouldn’t work as Dad didn’t have infection and it’s usually used for Cholangitis (sp) but we took the prescription anyway as it may help. Anything is worth a try. Doctor seemed to have a bit of a mood on him today after I asked him about this, said I shouldn’t keep looking on internet. Told him I didn’t just look on any old site, I went on this site and perhaps he ought to check it out too! That’s when he wrote the prescription lol!

    Good news is CT scan no different from March. Just got to sort these pesky stents out now.

    Best wishes to everyone


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