Just noticed my dad’s one arm is very swollen

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Just noticed my dad’s one arm is very swollen

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    I dont remember reading about another cc member with this problem. Please let us know how it goes at the doctors.

    Thinking good thoughts.


    Hi Mvb,

    Sorry to hear about your dads arm swelling up. My dad never had this either so I’m afriad I can’t help here. He had swelling in his feet, legs, ankles and stomach area, but not in his arms. Hopefully someone else will be able to offer some thoughts on this.

    I hope that your dad manages to see his onc today and I wish you the best with this. Please let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    mvb70, I haven’t experienced these symptoms before. However, several years ago my neighbor was diagnosed and treated for inflammatory breast cancer. As part of her surgery, they removed most/all of her lymph nodes in her left arm area. As a result, she contacted lymphedema and had large fluid build-up in her arm. Without lymph nodes, the lymph fluid is not able to “flow” and thus the buildup of fluid.

    I’m not sure about your dad’s specific case, with his liver surgery and fluid build-up. I had a liver resection myself, for CC (in 2004), and they removed several of my lymph nodes. But I did not experience any type of lymphedema.

    I wish the best for your dad and hope they’re able to determine what he is experiencing.



    My dad James has CC. He had the tumor and part of his liver removed October 14, 2009. He had chemo (5-fu) and radiation soon after the surgery. He also had several months of Gemzar. He had his last Gemzar treatment on July 1st. He had an MRI done on September 1st. We are scheduled to meet with his oncologist on Thursday Septembet 16. He was over my house yesterday. He has stomach and back pain and feels weak. I noticed his left arm is very very swollen.

    My neighbor is a doctor and said my dad has lymphedema. Looks like he has a build up of lymph fluid. He said my dad’s chest and left arm are swollendue to the build up of lymph fluid. We are going to go to his oncologist on Monday instead of Thursday.

    Has anyone had this type of experience where your arm swells? This doesn’t sound good. I am not sure if my neighbor knows what he is talking about. He said this is a sign that the cancer has spread. My dad is not doing well and I feel like this is the beginning of the end.

    Would greatly appreciate your insight. Thank you.

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