So Far So Good

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  • #15434

    Dear Mary,
    It is wonderful to read that you are trying alternative medicine. My Wife, Patty, was diagnosed with CC in early Feburary of this year. Her surgery to attempt a resection was not successful and she has decided against all chemo and radiation. We are trying megadosis of IP-6. She now has no more nausea, fever or pain and is feeling great. Her strength and weight is returning. We have hope that the IP-6 is helping slow the growth of the tumor. We would like to hear of others that are trying this alternative nutritional supplement. She is also drinking lots of fresh csrrot juice. A lot of dear folk are praying along with us for Patty’s healing. Our prayers are with you and all the others that are fighting this dreadful desease.


    Mary! YAY! I can’t tell you how nice it is to read your post! HURRAH for your husband, and HURRAH for you! ENJOY!


    Hi Sarah,
    My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer in June 06 also. He had a very high PSA and started eating jalapeno peppers every day. When his PSA was checked in Sept. it had dropped drastically! I can’t remember the numbers exactly but everyone was shocked. I don’t think DRs. give foods enough credit for at least helping control disease. My husband lost 60 pounds during his treatments.He is now back to a healthy 220.He looks and feels better than he has for years. We don’t stick to a real strict vegetarian diet. We do eat meat but not nearly what we did in the past. I actually restrict his dairy intake because I have read that it can produce mucous buildup that could cause stent clogging.Just skim milk and lo-fat cheese occasionally. Read about the mushrooms. They are being researched at Sloan-Kettering now. They have been used for years in Japan to help fight the effects of chemo and to enhance the immune system. I really believe they have helped and the milk thidtle has helped with his liver function. You can read my husband’s history here. His treatment has been quite different than most on this site. We are very pleased so far! Best Wishes. Mary


    Hi marylloyd, so glad he had clear scans. My husb just had appointment to review first scans after his liver/gallbladder surgery done Jan. 10 and no hotspots showed up, so he doesn’t need to start on any chemo. I am interested in nutritional approaches; he is too but likes me to do the investigating. Thanks for sharing your info. Mr. also has hepatitis C and prostate cancer. He’s still walking though. It has been a rough year with the surgery. CC was at last a diagnosis…before, his liver tumor was “unknown primary.” More of our story is in introductions from a couple of months ago. The diet you describe sounds very healthful. I hadn’t heard of the mushrooms you mention. My husband is a vegetarian but eats cheese, milk, and eggs. He lost a lot of weight but it has finally stabilized. Hope you have continued good luck. Nice to meet you.



    My husband had his 6 week check-up today. His MRI continues to show no tumor. No change from January or February scans. Since starting on milk thistle one month ago his liver enzymes are all normal. His alkaline phospatase is still a little elevated but has dropped over 200 points. I feel the milk thistle is helping the healing process from his radiation treatments. He has not had any episodes of chilling or fever since his stent change 6 weeks ago. I think that shows his liver is functioning better, also his color is much better.He continues his regimen of maitake mushroom capsules, fish oil, green tea, carrot juice, milk thistle plus a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables. There is no way of knowing what is working for sure but as I said so far so good. We are incredibly thankful for continued good news when we meet with the Docs. You just never know what they are going to tell you. It’s always a relief to hear something positive.I pray for all of you dealing with this monster disease.Best wishes. Mary

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