Intro – sorry to join, but thankful you’re all here

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Intro – sorry to join, but thankful you’re all here

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  • #42048

    Hi djhappytalk,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I’m glad that you have joined us. And I am sorry to hear about your sister. My dads CC when diagnosed was also deemed inoperable and his treatment was PDT with a metal stent inserted as well. And you are so right about laughter being a good medicine, my dad was always full of jokes, most of them being really bad!!

    I hope that you will keep coming back here as you will get a ton of support and help from us all. And please feel free to ask any and all questions that you will have and we will all help if we can.

    My best wishes to you and your sister,



    I just knew you were not a Sabra as I didn’t detect an accent!!! Thanks for the weather report.


    Lainy, (and everyone) thanks for the welcome!

    Love the comment about actors and stagecoaches. I was born in Denver, so I’m partial to westerns!

    It’s almost October and we’ve been having a heat wave (another one


    Sep 28 2010

    Wow! How cool is that to have loving people, and strangers to boot, care about others.

    Don’t know off hand if anyone has wondered about their chances of inheriting this awful cc, but, as there are already now three generations of cancer (my father and his mother had pancreatic cancer, and now my sister, whose tumor seems to be on the head of the pancreas, but is still considered cc) I consulted with my gastro doctor. There is a test, EUS, endoscopic ultra sound, where they can take a look-see around to check for abnormalities in the gastro areas; pancreas, liver, gallbladder. I had this done and highly recommend it to others. There


    Shalom, DJHappytalk and welcome to our family. I think you may be the first to join us from Israel.
    I am out of breath just reading what you have been through the last 4 years. You are indeed a very special person to take care of everyone as you have.
    I totally agree about laughter being the best medicine. My husband is in Home Hospice care now and yesterday we had the Nurse laughing so much she stayed here almost 2 hours just to talk to us.
    Suggestion: the next time someone asks you what stage just say, “stages are for actors” or “the last stage (stagecoach) left here an hour ago”.
    Beside the laughter we have learned not to pay much attention to stastics and to be realistically optimistic. We are sending prayers and good wishes your way
    and please keep us posted on your sister.
    P.S. My Grandaughter is going to Israel in December with a group from her College. I told her to take warm clothes as I hear December is pretty cold.


    Hi djhappytalk,

    I too want to welcome you to this wonderful site. It sounds like you and your family have had more than your share to handle and I do admire your humor and attitude. I am glad you found us and hope you will continue to post. The love and support on this site is remarkable and although we all know a lot more about CC now than we ever wanted to, we are all here to help you in any way we can. Take care.

    Love & Hugs,


    Hi djhappytalk!

    So sorry you had to find us but we are very glad you did! I’m sure everyone will be dropping in soon but I just wanted to welcome you to the site!

    I too love humor. Laughter through tears is one of my favorites! I love your nephew’s humor….God didn’t want her yet…lol

    Come often – we are always here for you and your family. There is also a search engine at the top of the page that you can enter “key words” and search posts. We also have Dr. Giles on board. You can submit questions or read his responses to previous questions (also at the top of the page).

    Hang in there….caregiving is a very tough and demanding (and fulfilling) job.

    I’m sending lots of hugs and prayers your way!



    28 Sep 2010

    Handle is djhappytalk. My sister was diagnosed with cholangio on June 24. Surgery of any type is not an option. Metal stent relieved the jaundiced color of, not yellow, but rather burnt orange. “It just happened!”

    Actually, she went to the doctor because she hadn’t been feeling well.

    Her husband is in a psychiatric home, only son (34) is special needs (blind and retarded from cancer he had as a baby). I

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