HI my Dad

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! HI my Dad

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    Hi Gaby,

    I just found the google translator that Marion talks about, thanks Marion. And I just used it to translate an article into English as I speak no Spanish. What you could do perhaps is if you find articles online that would help your dad, is to copy and paste them into the google translator then print off the english version so that your dad can read them.


    The more information that you have the better and good luck with this.

    Best wishes,



    Good luck, Briola and please, keep us posted.
    Best wishes,


    Thanks Marion and Lainy, I think I will try google that way i can print stuff out. I do want my Dad to be more informed because sometimes he doesn’t know whats going on and assumes the worse, and since they couldn’t internalize one of his stents to his intestines he was bummed out all this week.


    Gaby….do you mean educating your Dad about this disease? If so, you could possibly use Google Spanish? Also, IGoogle, the Personalized Version of Google will let you translate words and phrases in many languages including, Spanish. Others may have some other suggestions coming our way,
    Best wishes,


    Gee, I don’t kbnow of any Spanish translations but perhaps one of our other Board Members does. We have a Carlos in Spain and perhaps if you make a list of English words you can have him translate them, although he does post on here in English. He might have an email under his name. He does. Go to User List at the top and type in Carlos and his name will come up. Hit where it says email and send him one with the words you need translated. Good luck.


    Hi Lainy and thank you, I do want other opinions too because sometimes I feel we could be doing more right now. I also don’t like the feeling of not knowing what some things are. Is there any Spanish Resources I can use to read to my Dad, so he can get more motivated in asking questions? Sometimes the translators are busy and I don’t know how to explain the technical terms in Spanish. I also think my Dads Doctors do have a game plan, Dr.Imagawa seems to be on it.



    Hello Gaby and welcome to our wonderful family. It sounds like your Dad’s Doctors have a game plan but like Marion said a second opinion can be very valuable. Knowledge is power especially in the case of CC. Hoping for good results for your Dad and please keep us posted on his progress.


    Thank you so much, I will try an contact Dr.Lanz for more information. Yesterday I was at UCI Medical Center because they were going to try an internalize one of my Dads tubes to connect it to the small intestine, and were not able too get through the blockage :-( My Dad had started radiation 25 days ago, and my Dads surgeon is Dr.Imagawa, he specializes in biliary too.


    Hi Gaby,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I am glad that you have joined us. And I am sorry to hear about your dad. I came here back in 2008 when my dad was diagnosed and I can so relate to what you say about everything changing in a weekend. When I heard my dads diagnosis of inoperable CC I felt just like you do now. And like your dad, my dad was quite healthy and wa only 64.

    I hope that you keep coming back here as we know what you are going through right now and also how you feel. You will get a load oif support and help from us all and please feel free to ask a load of questions if you have them and we will all help if we can.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Hello Gaby and welcome to our site. Indeed the diagnoses of Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) has a major impact on our life. Many people are seemingly healthy and yet, this disease is lurking around. There appears to be a higher incidence of this cancer possibly linked to the fact that detection methods have become more sophisticated. Also, I believe that this cancer has reached some amount of notoriety amongst physicians specializing in biliary tract diseases.
    It appears that you are living in the L.A. area therefore; you might want to consider a second opinion with Dr. Lenz at USC, as he is a specialist in this area of biliary tract disease and brings with him a vast amount of knowledge in the treatment of Cholangiocarcinoma.
    Please, do not give up hope, as that is what drives us. Become informed in order to make knowledgeable decisions and look for the positive. We will stand by you.
    Best wishes,


    Hi my name is Gaby and my Dad got Diagnosed on his 61st birthday stage3 of cholangiocarcinoma in August this year. Its been hard just like so many others who have gone through this, my family and I have been trying to keep positive attitude, and thank full to everyone at UCI Medical center who are trying to help my Dad.
    It was a shocker to find this out, my dad was a healthy 60 year still working in construction, excited to be a grandpa for the first time, my sister was 8 months pregnant. Everything changed in a weekend.

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