hospice has just been called in

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    Codegirl – I have nothing to add as we are not quite at the point of needing hospice for Dad yet. I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your family. It’s good to have such a great support system of siblings around to make things a bit easier… I hope you can make a few more memories with your Mom, and having hospice proves to be as positive an experience as it has been for so many others here…



    Thanks Gavin she is at home. I have 2bros and 2siss so we are trying to have one of us there at all times. She does not want strangers around. The hospice team is great and she did take to them easier than i thought she would. Thanks again for being here. Sorry about your Dad. You will be seeing me alot on here. Everyone is so helpful. Thanks again


    Hi Codergirl,

    I am sorry to hear about your mum. I was right where you are now about a year ago with your dad so I so know what you are going through and how you are feeling. I know this is so hard but you have done the right thing in coming here as we will all support you through this. Please feel free to ask any questions and we will all help if we can.

    And you have also done the right thing in calling in hospice care for your mum as they will be able to help so much. I am sure that hopspice will be able to help with your mums pain as there are a lot of different types of meds that can help with this. When my dad wnet into the hospice, we were told that they would be able to control his pain and they did an excellent job of doing so. And there are as Lainy says meds that can also help with the nausea. Again, my dad tried and was on a wide variety of them until they found what worked best for him. i believe that these are 2 issues that you should discuss with the hospice team at the first opportunity that you can.

    Is your mum actually in the hospice or is she still at home? I know that this is so tough, so please come back as much as you want for advice, to ask any questions or just to vent away. We know what you are going through and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Thanks so much for the input. It is wonderful to have a sight like this to come to. Thanks again and good luck to all.


    Hi Codergirl and we are so sorry to hear about your Mom. My husband is on Hospice now and if you ask them they will explain to your Mom why she should be on Pain Meds. Hospice also has Meds for Nausea. My husband is having no pain and no Nausea as he is on their Meds. Keep her room bright and cheery and if you are cheery she will have to follow suite. Its all in the attitude. It’s not easy, I know, but we need to stay strong so that we can take this journey with our loved one and they can feel secure that we are by their side all the way.


    Hello codergirl…..You already have Hospice involved therefore, I believe the pain medication will be on hand. You might want to ask the doctor to explain to your Mom the benefits of keeping pain under control, as it can escalate and become difficult to treat. Everyone has different experiences with this disease therefore, I am hoping for others to share their thoughts with us also.
    My heart is with you,


    Mom was diagnosed in feb 2010 the chemoembolizations did not work tumors got bigger. No further treatment. Hospice is here now. Her big complaint is nausea she eats very…little Has had no pain until a few hours ago very sharp on her right side 8 on a 1-10 scale as eased up now does not want nothing for pain. I am Lost and do not know what to do!Any ideas on keeping her comfy. It is so hard to sit by helpless. I guess I just needed to vent. Thanks

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