Caregiver’s Journey (From Hospice)

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  • #43118

    Lainy, great stuff , you are able to put to paper things I feel and think on a daily basis. I have kept up w/your postings and gain strength to carry on as this has been a long and rewarding 5 and a half yrs. for my wife Sue and my family. Keep your faith , Teddy and you are in my thoughts daily . Bob B


    Thank you, thank you, Lainey. You’ve so beautifully summed up so many of my feelings today. I know you are going through very painful times & I send love, prayers & every good wish to you, Teddy (I’ve seen his photo & he IS cute :)) & your family. X


    What a nice post Lainy….some good advice from someone who has seen and been through so much. You are such a wonderful person and have helped so many through this board….I hope I have half your stength.



    Thoughts and feelings you may experience:

    It is Normal

    To grieve a loss that hasn’t happened yet. Your mind is preparing for
    the future.
    To feel guilty about many things like the past your your caregiving ability.
    To be angry at yourself, your loved one or jsut everything.
    To feel mentally and physically exhausted. Grief drains energy.
    To desperately want your loved one not to suffer, whatever the cost.

    What you can do

    Talk about the past and make amends if you need to.
    Take small breaks to breathe and re-charge. This will help keep feelings
    like anger and fatigue under control.
    Know you will get through this. Say it out loud to yourself or in front of
    a mirror.
    Crying can be an outlet, it means you are not bottling your grief.
    Keep a journal, conversations with your loved one, meaningful thoughts/

    Find ways to de-stress (Listen to music, laugh)
    Try to get as much sleep as possible
    Eat healthy meals and snacks
    Get some exercise
    Plan things to look forward to

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