Hello Friends…Here is the latest on Dave

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Hello Friends…Here is the latest on Dave

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    Great news, Beth!! :D



    Thanks Lainy!

    I think about you so much!!! Hugs to you and Teddy!


    Amen is right! Before each of Teddy’s surgeries he would ask God to work through the Doctor’s hands. Hoping your husband comes home Wednesday and eats like a horse!!!


    Latest update:

    They finally took him down for the dye procedure about 3:00. He called me about 4:30 to tell me that he was out and all went fine. They needed to make an adjustment to the drain tube, as it was not far enough into his small intestine. He says that the Doc in Radiology intervention tells him that all went well, and the problem is fixed. I believe that it was not draining properly, and this was the problem that was causing the bacteria in his blood.

    They will once again attempt to cap the drain, so that it drains internally, and see how he does. I do not expect him to come home tomorrow, but I could be surprised. I am fairly certain that he will be home on Wednesday. (Doc Hawk promises me this) He was VERY hungry when I talked to him, and was looking forward to eating dinner!!

    When I was little, we sang a song in Sunday school…went something like this:

    “God is so good, God is so good, God is soooo good, he’s so good to me!” AMEN!!! HE CERTAINLY IS!!


    Hi Beth, all in all excellent news and this latest hitch is just that. I am sure you will both be a lot happeir when he gets home, hopefully tomorrow. Keep up the great work and don’t let those infections get the better of you. Hopeing for a smooth today and a smoother tomorrow!


    Hi Beth,

    Thanks for the update. I hope they get this all under control and Dave is home and eating loads soon! :)



    Wishing Dave a quick recovery. Cancer free is indeed music to the ears. When he can eat, tell him to eat for me too! Lets hope he is home soon with his family where he belongs.



    Beth…..considering the nature of the resection it is not surprising for things to grow and overgrow and clog and block at one time or, another. Dave responded quickly to the antibiotics. That and the successful drainige is bringing him on step closer to his much awaited meal. Great news, Beth. I hope for him to be home real soon.


    Thanks so much Jen! Means so much!

    Thank you Bob, you and Dave are very similar. Your posts are always so encouraging to me! I will keep you updated!


    Dear Beth,
    “Cancer free” is indeed great news. Thank you God! This is all very familiar territory for me. The blockages; the infections; tubes and bags. Though it is a nuisance and the infections can be scary, it is all very do-able. I’m certain that Dave will begin to feel stronger and better day by day. We look forward to the day he can be tubeless again. And being hungry is such a positive sign.

    Along with others I continue to pray for God’s very best for the Graff household.



    Thinking about you both – I hope the procedure shows only good things and he is home (and eating) very soon!



    Good Morning,

    Taking a quick break at work to update everyone one the latest with Dave. It was VERY hard for me to leave him yesterday to come home, but as he and I discussed we feel it is best for our daughter if I am here with her.

    Many of you already know the news that we got on Friday. His CT scan showed that he appears to still be cancer free, but one of his bile ducts was blocked. The plan on Friday was to admit him, and do a procedure in Intraventional Radiology where they went in through his side, and placed a drain in his bile duct to allow what appeared to be inflammation to open up and allow the bile to flow freely.

    He had to have the procedure done Saturday morning, because his blood was too thin, and he needed to have plasma to ensure that it was thick enough. Funny how all this time we were trying to get his INR up, to thin his blood, and now it needed to be thick again. The procedure was a success on Saturday, he had the drain tube placed, and we were told that he would soon be free of the bag, and the tube would be capped, so that it drained internally. This happened Saturday afternoon. Things seemed to be going well until Saturday night. He spiked a temp of 103. They started him on antibiotics, and by Sunday evening, his temp was gone. He was told that he could not go home until he went 24 hours without a temp. The Docs came in this morning, and put the tube and bag back on him, and told him that his blood work was still showing some bacteria in it. They were going to take him down this morning to insert some dye and take a look at the drain to make sure that it was working properly. I talked with him by text about 15 minutes ago, and he still had not gone down yet. He told me that he was very hungry, and hoped that they would be there soon.

    This is all I know at this point, I will keep all posted as I get news. I am hoping to get to bring him home tomorrow.

    Thanks so much for all the good wishes and thoughts….



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