MIL diagnosed with CC August 2010

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! MIL diagnosed with CC August 2010

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    Hi JC:

    I would tend to disagree that Ascites is an ‘end stage’ symptom! My husband Tom has had one episode with Ascites and it is caused by a lack of protein in the system, thereby causing the arteries to ‘leak’ fluid into the abdomen. That is your bodies way of trying to compensate for the lack of protein! The doc’s drained the fluid and he has not had any further issues with Ascites. However, we did greatly increase his protein intake – eggs, cheese, peanut butter etc. You should be able to research the web for foods that are high in protein, and don’t forget Boost or Boost Plus….that is also high in protein.

    Tell your special ‘US’ mom that she should join this forum as she will gain a lot of friends and will get some answers to any question that she posts! Everyone on this site is wonderful and we all learn from one another!

    Many CC patients cannot eat ‘regular’ meals, so instead tend to eat many smaller meals througout the day. When my husband Tom finds a food that he can tolerate, he tends to eat that same food 2 – 5 times a week. Lately it’s been poached eggs and toast! However, I’m not complaining cause eggs are high in protein and he needs the protein. There are many foods that he used to love but his system can no longer tolerate it. He avoids all spicy foods lately because he gets an upset stomach, so it’s just better to avoid those spices!

    And when your MIL can’t tolerate foods, try a milk shake made with Boost and a banana!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!



    Hi JC,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I’m glad that you have joined us and yes, you will find strength here, lots of it. And also, you will get a ton of support and help from all of us. So please, post away and ask any questions that you mat have and we will all help if we can.

    How is your MIL getting on with the new nausea meds? My dad had a lot iof issues with nausea and he tried a wide variety of meds and combinations of meds with varying amounts of success. Is the chemo the Gemcitibine Cisplatin combination that your MIL is on? And has your MIL been given any diuretic meds for her ascites?

    My best wishes to you and your MIL,



    Hi jcouvillion:

    I’m also in Austin – if I may ask, who is treating your MIL? Understanding exactly what is going on is so important when talking to the doctors. If you or your MIL do not understand, you have every right to probe further and have them explain in detail what is going on.

    What chemo is she on?


    Thank you everyone.
    My MIL is being treated in Austin. She has had 2 drains because of fluid build up. A recent ultrasound showed that fluid had spread to the lungs. We ended up in ER on Sunday as she was not able to eat. Even an ice chip caused her to vomit. They gave her fluids and changed her nausea meds and she was released on Tuesday. We were thankful to have her home for Thanksgiving. I am just terrified she won’t see Christmas as I know ascites has been cited as ‘end stage’ symptoms.
    Is there anything else we can do? She is having chemo but misses her second week because the first week always takes so much out of her. They have reduced her dose of chemo but that didn’t help. I spoke with the Drs PA and she did state the tumor markers were down slightly but there was increasing involvement of the omentum. The doctors seem to talk in riddles and I don’t feel very informed at all :(


    Dear JC, welcome to our wonderful family! Can you tell us a little more about your MIL? I know how you feel as I also had a wonderful MIL. If we knew more we may be able to give some advise but for now you can try our Search Engine at the top of the page. Just type in a word and many posts will appear and it is one way to quickkly educate yourself on CC. Where is your MIL being treated?
    Please send us more information and then ask away and we will do our best.


    Dear JC – So many of us are experiencing the effects of cc at different levels and in different relationships. The support on this site is awesome. I’m sure someone will be able to answer your questions or give you direction toward an answer. As so many say, we are sorry that you needed to find us, but glad you found us. Blessings, Susan


    Hello jcouvillion….and welcome to our site. You can count on the great members of supporting, teaching, sharing with you, and answering the many questions you may have. Please, stay positively realistic, as this cancer differs greatly from person to person and treatment responses vary accordingly.
    I am glad that you have found us and please, continue to share with us.
    Best wishes,


    Hello JC,

    You will find an incredible amount of support from people on this site, or just by searching for answers using the google search in the upper right hand corner. I continue to be amazed at how quick any question gets answered here. Just give us more information or ask a question and there will be plenty of support.



    I am hoping to find some strength in this site. My very beautiful and special ‘US’ mom has CC. Her condition is worrying and I am looking for people who can help me understand this condition more.

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