moms unable to swallow

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    She is to far along for that. I think if we could have started that earlier It would have been of great benefit. Glad it is working for you.


    Has any thought been given to iv nutrician? I am on it now and will be until I push up those daisies. I guess it depends on where you are physically. I was pretty strong and healthy until I couldnt eat anymore. IT might be different with your mom, but I thought I would just throw that idea out there.



    Yes Hospice has added the ativan to the nausea cream that we rub into her wrist. Thanks goodness very little pain!


    Codergirl, I can’t remember if you have Hospice. Either they or the doctor should be able to order something for pain, anxiety or anything else you need to make Mom more comfortable. So sorry to hear this and I think you are right. She wants to see her family together and that is wonderful.


    On Sat everything now gets stuck in her throat. She is taking very small amounts of water. She asked for Tapioca pudding ran right out and got some but she could not swallow that either. She does seem very peaceful. My oldest sister got into town last night I think now she is just waiting for Thanksgiving to see us together. God Bless all and have a great day.

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