Is it too late?

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    Hoping your trip goes well, Andrea. It makes me hopeful for your dad :)


    Hi Jemima,

    My Dad was happy to go down the chemo route, like your Mom, but as you know he never got there. Two hospitals said it was inoperable and Dad didn’t want surgery, having 3 major ops for bowel cancer over the past 9 years I think he’s had enough. Plus he didn’t want to travel to Leeds at the time. I had to respect his wishes. He has now changed his mind, I just hope it’s not too late.

    Professor Lodge has been wonderful, after problems with the scans he even requested them himself, and he has always emailed me to keep me updated. He seems so kind. I just thought of your Mom when I recieved the email.

    Katja, How to I go about the hospital accomadation? Do I need to ask the secretary about this. I have found a news article about the rooms at


    Hi Andie

    I am glad to hear that you have all decided to go and see what Prof Lodge has to say. No, we did not contact him although I did consider it. Instead I contacted Prof Davidson at the Royal Free. We got a very ambiguous response which we never followed up as the Paris doctor said No and then Mum started chemo which she felt was the best option.
    You have spurred me into getting back in touch with him though as maybe Mum should go and see him and have another MRI. The consultant here said that the local MRI machines are such poor quality that it wasn’t worth it !

    I am sending you hugs and best wishes for the trip and keeping everything crossed for some positive news.



    Hi Andie,

    I’ve just seen this and that your dad has mde the decision to go see Prof Lodge. But what I would have said to you was if your dad decided that he was up to going both physically and mentally and he wanted to go then go. You mention not wnating to get your dads hopes up and my dad took a few hits along these lines, but like your dad, my dad would have tried anything/seen anyone if it felt like there was a chance something else could be done. You ask if we think it is too late and your dad will get his hopes up for nothing and to be honest, no one here can answer that question for you. Listen to what Prof Lodge says and then your dad can take things from there. That is what I would say to my dad if I was in your shoes right now.

    I hope that you manage to get a hotel sorted out in time if you are travelling there the day before. Think of any possible questions that you or your dad will want to ask in advance and take notes if necessary. I am so hoping for some good news here and I will keep my fingers and everything else crossed for your dad.

    My best wishes to you both,



    Andie, I know you will, but go and have a safe trip. There is accompdatipn at st James-holiday inn type thing that you could look onto. The whole place will lift your spirits.
    I imagine they’ll do bloods, liver function and of course test bili, but prof lodge will know it’s high. My dad spent quite a time there pre surgery – so take stuff to do. I’ll ask my dad what other tests they did.
    Fingers crossed for you all, let me know if I can help any way x


    Thank you all.

    I have calmed down now and digested the news. Dad wants to go and we have nothing to lose by going. The prognosis can’t get any worse. It has been an emotional few hours discussing it but we are now planning our little trip.

    I have got to phone Professor Lodges secretary tomorrow and then I can arrange an hotel etc. It’s a 3 hour journey so we think staying over the night before will make it easier on Dad.

    Jemima, did you contact Professor Lodge? only our parents seem to have similar size and locations of tumours.

    Will let you know more details when we get them.


    Hi Andie

    I agree with the others. You don’t want to get further down the line with ‘if only…’. If your Dad is wanting to go then you should. Since Prof. Lodge is experienced in CC he may be able to suggest other things too to help with your dad’s symptoms.
    It must really have thrown your emotions up in the air reading that email, but even the smallest glimmer of hope must be seized with this disease.
    Good luck !



    Andrea, I also vote for GO. Prof. Lodge sounds like such a wonderful doctor. Just take along with you things that dad might need to be comfortable. Take it all slow and easy and once you talk to the doctor you will know where you are headed. He is the best one to answer all the what ifs. Good luck!!!!!


    I say if he is up for it, there is no harm in going. You don’t want to be sitting around in the future with all the “what-if’s” running through your mind, wondering if things could have been different had you brought him for the appointment. The doctor has made it clear that he won’t make any promises, but if there’s even a glimmer of hope, maybe it’s worth it….

    Thinking and praying for you and your family Andrea – it’s a tough decision, but I’m sure the best choice will be made!! Good luck!



    I say go. If there is any hope or offer of hope and your dad is willing…then go.

    I’m praying for you both!



    I have recieved the following email today, which has turned everything up in the air.

    Dear Andrea

    As I have said before I do not want to get your hopes up too much but the CT scan has finally come and although it was done four months ago, at the stage the CT scan was done, we would probably not have ruled your father out for surgical assessment at that stage. It is possible there is some extra information that is missing but I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt without raising his hopes too much. My secretary Kelley will be telephoning you to see what you feel about things but if your father is fit enough to come to clinic I would be very pleased to see him to talk things through, do a general fitness assessment and to do a CT scan in Leeds the same day if he feels up to it. If after this things look hopeful then we will arrange further investigation which would normally include a PET CT scan done at a later date and then consideration about possible surgery. I want to emphasise that I cannot make any promises at this stage but will look forward to meeting your father soon.
    Kindest regards
    Yours sincerely
    Professor JPA Lodge

    Dad is willing to go but I’m not sure if he’s up to it. My head is spinning as we were told it was inoperable. At the time Dad was happy to go down the chemo route, and didn’t want any more opinions. Now he has been told it is terminal he has changed his mind. Do you think it could be too late and Dad will be getting hopes up for nothing? I have read him the email word for word and he is willing to go. His bilirubin is very high, but his blood pressure etc is ok. What tests do you think they will do?

    Sorry for ranting I’m in shock, we have asked for cyberknife referral to which we will hear about on wed 1st december, again i’m worrying it’s all coming too late

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