Confused by CT report

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    Sending a big smile :) for a positive report.



    Lainy I agree with you, unfortunately we have very limited options here. There are only 2 oncologists here, and the nearest cancer centre is 4 hours away. Unfortunately we’re basically stuck with what we get. Sad as it is.
    Highsmith – her CA19-9 is up. She was down to226 in June, back up to 711 in Sept. Thats when they hit her with Chemo again, it was up to 936 3 weeks ago and this test was 1259. So its going up, but it still substancially lower then it has been – she hit a high of 14,600+ a year ago Sept. After 9 months of biweekly Gemcitabine and Oxaliplatin she came down to just over 200.
    So ya its concerning of course…..

    I was taking this as a positive report as well, I’m hoping that the doc will have the same opinion when we see her again..


    I m not a doctor, but I’d take that as a fairly positive report. No major lesions or changes. Glad that the report did not have major changes or lesions to report. Will be good to see what the doctor says. Blessings, Susan



    Most of these cancers are adenocarcinoma, so that doesn’t change, but the presence of cancer cells does seem disconcerting. Is it the lymph nodes are enlarged or the CA19-9 marker? I am not as well versed as many, so I may be missing something…I agree that it is summarily great news that there is no metastatic cancer, but it does seem confusing, in the end.



    mamma….I love reading the “conclusion” of the report. I enjoy the good news right along with you.
    Best wishes,


    Damama, while we are not doctors and it looks like the cancer has not grown or spread one thing bothers me. That a doctor would make you wait 3 weeks with this disease to talk to you. If it was me this would not be acceptable. Concerned or not no one should have to wait 3 weeks! We have never waited more than 5 – 7 days for any reports.


    Thanks for the replys guys. Highsmith, we would have been seen by the oncologist if she was concerned about the scan. We were told that prior to this last appointment. All they say about the scan is that it looks pretty good.
    I’m a little confused by it though, we’ve been told that she has no tumors but has cancer cells all through her liver and into the mouth of her pancreas. Now this report makes no mention of this at all. It looks really really good to us.
    FYI: My sister’s original diagnosis was Appendial cancer adenocarcinoma then while trying to clear her to have Debulking and HIPEC treatment. Unfortunately thats when they found her liver issue – the diagnosis was Cholangiocarcinoma.

    I was lookin for some opinions on what you thought it looked like, since you guys have so much education on this stuff.


    My dad has had the same left lobe issue for nine months and his oncologist always was pleased that it remained the same and did not progress. His liver function was within normal range, even with the atrophy and dilation. Unfortunately, he has a new tumor in his right lobe, so it has changed things for us.

    I would take it as a positive and keep on, keeping on…and the fact the oncologist is comfortable with not seeing her for almost a month seems like a good sign to me. When our oncologist didn’t like something on a scan, we were there within a day or two, even if it meant waiting for hours to get worked in.



    Hi Damamma,

    I know you say that your sister will not see her onc until the 21st, but perhaps her onc nurse in the meantime will be able to shed some more light on this report. Did your sister discuss her report with the onc nurse, and if not, maybe she could ask the nurse what the report means in some detail?

    My best wishes to you and your sister,




    I’m no expert but it sounds pretty good to me!!

    Good luck for the 21st.

    Best wishes to you and your sister.



    Hi all. My sister saw her oncology nurse yesterday for a pre-chemo screening and was provided with her latest CT report. We don’t get to see the Doc till the 21st of Dec. so I’m looking for a little imput or some educated guess’s.
    This is what the report say’s — What do you think?

    “There is subtle ductal dilation in the left lobe of liver with marked atrophy of the left lobe. The remainder of liver is normal. There has been a Cholecystectomy. No biliary or pancreatic ductal dilation. No pancreatic abnormality. A left ureuritic stent remains without complication. There is no hydronephrosis. Subtle omental stranding deep to the Anterior Abdominal wall is unchanged. Remainder of abdomen and pelvis is normal.
    No suspicious bony lesions.
    Conclusions: No interval change to suggest recurrent tumour or metastic disease. “

    To me this sounds pretty positive, what do you see?

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