recurrent ascites – not good

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    Hi Susan,

    Thank you, you are most welcome. We are all here for each other, to support one another and to help each other as best we can. And you too are helping many also with your posts here Susan. We all have a story to tell, whether it is from a patients perspective or from that of a carer, we all have our individual stories. And in sharing these here, I believe that we all help each other.

    My best wishes to you and Randy,



    Gavin – I really appreciate you commenting on how your dad’s ascites progressed. Randy has some ascites, periodically, in his ankles and legs and it progresses to his abdomen. We also use diuretics, natural and medircation, to reduce the swelling. You are so right to make the best of the good days and do whatever is necessary to get through the bad days. Thanks for the encouragement. My husband has never had a stent or other invasive procedures (except for the liver biopsy in July 2010). It is so helpful to read of the journey others have traveled to get tips on traveling ours. Blessings, Susan


    Kim…..We have seen, on this board, patients undergoing numerous abdominal paracentesis in fact, our Sophie lived with it for more than a year. Your Dad may very well continue to have this procedure. That is what I hope for.
    Best wishes,


    Hi Kim,

    Sorry to hear that you are having a bad time right now and also that your dad is having such a rough time as well. Yes the up’s and down’s of the good and the bad days is something that I can sooo relate to, my dad had a load of them! And also, stubborn and independent, yep, I’m with you on that one as well. What I would say to you and also to Susan is to make the most of the good days. My dad used to love going to his day care centre twice a week and every day there, he had a great day. No matter how he was feeling, pain, nausea etc, he would start smiling as soon as I took him there and would still be smiling every time I picked him up to go home. Memories of a smile like that are priceless.

    My dad had issues with his ascites for a few months or so. It started with his feet, ankles and calfs then spread upwards to his abdomen. He never had the draining and had diuretics instead. What we were told is that once you start to drain then the ascites can keep coming back requiring further draining. Here’s a link on ascites that may be of use to you.

    I hope that you all can enjoy next week when your brother and sister come to visit. One thing that helped me through this time with my dad was just taking things one day at a time and not thinking too far ahead. If we were having a bad day then just get through it, and if we were having a good day then make the most of it.

    And keep coming back here as we know what you are going through right now and we understand.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Dear Kim – I understand the process of bad days and you think the end is near and then good days and you think you have a lot of time. I have nothing to offer except understanding and support. We have faced the same thing at our house. He’s had a couple of really good days so I think he’ll be here for quite some time. Last week we had BAD days and I thought he might not make Christmas. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Blessings, Susan


    Hi All
    I’ve had a bad week! Dad has been in for his 5th or 6th tummy tap for ascites – this time they took a massive12L!!.It seems to be increasing everytime. I also spoke to his drs – his gastro specialist is amazed that he is still alive, and his gp believes he only has a matter of weeks left. When he is having a bad day – i agree, and then he has a few good days where is up and about and think that they must be wrong. But apparently he could go into complete liver shut down at any stage now. Gavin how long did your Dad continue with the ascites?
    There is no way that Dad would cope with having a permanent drain – so we continue on the 3 weekly cycle.
    After he has the tummy tap he is fine for a few days – more coherent – more comfortable and then as the fluid builds up he gets worse, uncomfortable, pain, sleepier, confused etc.
    He has the palliative care nurses visiting – but if they just ring him – he tells them he is fine (when he’s clearly not) he is so stubborn and independant!
    My brother and sister are visiting with him over the next week, and i have a feeling that once they leave he will start going down hill.

    * lainy – sorry to hear about Teddy going to hospice, but will give you a chance to rest and really enjoy the time you have left together.

    Thank you all so much for your support
    Kim xox

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