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  • #46094

    Dear Hollio – Lainy and Marion have given you the best information available. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong, get all the information you can, and remember you are the best advocate. I agree – push for the answers – the sooner you get diagnosed, the sooner treatment can start. Blessings, Susan


    Dear Hollio….I agree with Lainy….it should not take seven weeks to receive a diagnoses, which you still don’t have to this date. Hopefully, you will receive an answer in a day or two because; with the beginning of the New Year everyone should be working at full steam again. It won’t hurt for you to start making some inquiries though, and to push for some answers
    In the meantime stay positive. I know that this is not an easy thing to do but, at times, it is the best thing to do. With your Mom’s complex medical issues things are bit different than what we have seen on this board.
    I am crossing my fingers and am sending tons of good wishes your way. Please, keep us posted.


    thank you so much, i really want results as soon as, it seems to be taking so long, hopefully we will get answers soon, thanks for your reply and i will keep you updated.


    Dear Hollio05, welcome to our wonderful family. While we are not doctors jaundice usually means a blockage in the bile ducts. I do not understand why, if she is in the hospital these tests are taking so long. Have they called in an Oncologist? What doctor is directing things? You want an Oncologist that is familiar with diseases of the bile ducts. Do you mind telling us where you are and the hospital she is going to? In the meantime you might want to read up on some of our older posts here as to be forwarned is to be forarmed. The more knowledge you gain the better you can help attack this if it is CC. There is not too much we can discuss without a diagnosis, so I would press for these tests to get done quickly and then take notes. Please let us know what happens, we care.


    Hi really dont know if i should be here are not but just need some answers. My mum is 71 and over the last 10 years has had lots of health issues, diabetics, kidney trouble, blindness. She is on dialysis 3 times a weeks and has been for the last 5 years.
    Anyway to the point, 8 weeks ago my father got a call from dialysis unit to say they were keeping her in, she hadnt been feeling herself all week and we put it down to the flu. wen i went up to see her I realised is was alot more than that, they were keeping her in cause they noticed her looking a bit jaundice (i hadnt seen her in couple of days prior to this so wasnt aware of the jaundice starting). Anyway they kept her in and she was in hospital 4 7 weeeks getting tests, jaundice got very bad over this period, and we found out the first week she was in that something was wrong with her liver, then the next week she had CT scan and this told us she had a bile duct blockage. They dont know what the blockage is, they dont think its gallstones but wont say much more, the week before xmas she had a pct done (think thats what it is) and they put a stent in, the jandice has cleared a bit and they done a biospy. still no result of biopsy. They let her out 2 days b4 xmas and want her back after xmas and said they will send her out an appointment. she has lost loads of weight and after a lot of google searching i found this site, i know she hasnt been diagnosed but i have an awful feeeling about this, and just need some answers, why do hospitals take so long??? sorry for so much info, hope it all makes sense .

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