Whipple after Roux En Y for Klatskin’s

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    This is the first time I have seen the roux en y mentioned. My husband had the roux en y procedure 7 years ago. The hospice nurses think he hasn’t had some of the issues with needing stents because of the roux en y, but I have not idea if there is a link or not. I’d be interested to learn more also. Good luck with the whipple. As I said, my husband has not had stents or any kind of invasive procedure. The only treatment he had was a little chemo with Gemzar which did not work. Blessings, Susan


    Teddy went in very healthy. That is kind of an oxymoron! We were told that because of the Pancreas being cut, it was a possibility. They gave him insulin while he was in the hospital but after that…nothing and he never developed it.
    And you are right, nurse or not, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Actually for many months he couldn’t stand the taste of sweets and he was a chocoholic!


    What about developing diabetes after the whipple, is that pretty common? Even though I am a nurse I have much to learn about recover. I don’t mean to anticipate things but the more I know the more I can ask questions.


    Teddy was in the hospital 2 weeks and when he went in for the Whipple, he had, had a double ecoli infection! I would ask the hospital if they have sleeping arrangements. Some hospitals have inexpensive rooms you can rent. Remember it is a long, slow process in healing and one is open to many things that can cause bumps in the road but lets hope for a successful surgery and outsome next week. We alwasy try to remain realistically optimistic. Please keep us posted.


    I’m thinking surgery is the answer because his ampulla of vater looks like a big angry ulcer – they actually let me observe the EGD because I am a nurse, and the ulcer is obstructing the ampulla of vater (such an exotic sounding name), interfering with stomach emptying and absorption of nutrients, causing lots of pain, and is a risk for perforation and bleeding. I think the surgery is the way to go because of how sick he is right now. How long was your husband in the hospital after whipple…I am worried because of the previous roux en y and if that will complicate things. We have to travel 150 miles to Salt Lake City, so I will need to stay there for the duration and trying to plan for it. I am so sorry for your husband’s passing, as I went thru postings I saw that, and so sorry. My husband emulates your motto..he has a great attitude, even as much pain as he is in, he never complains and has an upbeat attitude.


    I’m sorry to hear your husband’s CC has returned after 3 good years. I had a whipples last May, to remove a tumour located in exact place as your husband. As Lainy says it a serious operation but success rates have improved greatly over the past few years. Its essential that your surgeon has specific experience with CC and has performed many whipples before starting on your husband. Following my op I spent 3-weeks in hospital and I was back in work after 3-months.

    Good luck and keep us posted on progress………….Gerry


    Got your email and welcome back. My husband was 73 when he had his Whipple. It is a huge surgery, one of the largest but not life threatening. I blieve you are also talking about my Teddy having had the first Whipple aborted after 4 hours. The dye from one of the tests had leaked on the Pancreas and destroyed it and he needed it healthy to cut the head of the Pancreas off so he could get to the tumor which was in the bile duct valve. The surgery is long and the recovery longer, you just need a lot of patience. Teddy’s CC returned to the Ampulla of vater 3 years later (2 years ago) and they ruled out more surgery and had always ruled out chemo and radiation for where his was located. Finally ruled in Cyberknife which was a miracle. After 3 days you are done and it’s non invasive. I am wondering why the doctor jumped right to surgery if the tumor is under 7 CM. If you like feel free to e mail me some more. Best of luck.


    As I posted under ‘good news’ because it really has been a very good last 3 years with my husband after his radiation, chemo then resection for klatskins. But now, ironically about 3 years to the day from his resection, he is going to have an EUS on Tues for staging the progression of CC which is now evidently in the distal bile duct, where the ampulla of vater goes into duodenum. No tumor or masses in pancreas seen on the MRI, although pancreatic duct slightly dilated and pancreatic tail slight ‘atrophic’. Don’t you love how they don’t come right out and say anything! And, his CA19-9 slightly elev as was his alk phos.
    He developed intermittent, vague abdominal pain suddenly a few weeks ago. No jaundice. Loss of appetite. The oncologist (not the one we always went to, but one closer to us who we started seeing a year ago because it seemed silly to travel 150 miles each way) said ‘its just constipation, take some metamucil’. I knew better and was not satisfied so I emailed our surgeon from 3 years ago in SLC, Dr. Belnap, who said get him down here immediately. We saw him on a Tues night at 9:30pm (his usual clinic hours are a little weird) and he also felt there was something going on. An EGD two days later showed a ‘giant’ crater, actually 2.5cm at the ampulla of vater where the CBD and pancreatic duct enter the duodenum. Biopsy was not conclusive but ‘high suspicious’ for adenocarcinoma. So, after 3 great years we are looking at a whipple next week. My husband recuperated really well.
    Question: anyone know about a whipple after a roux en y. Another question: someone commented that the whipple was aborted in the OR. Why?

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