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  • #47217

    Dear Fightingformum,

    Just letting you know I am thinking of you and your Mum. Hope you manage to get some rest tonight and your Mum’s passing is peaceful when it happens.

    {{{ Hugs}}}



    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Mom is still with us but its getting harder for her to breath. That “rattle” is just aweful. Shes so weak, her eyes are all red, swollen and she cant talk. But she does know who I am and today when she saw me she lifted up her arms and hugged me and kissed me all over my face. I layed in bed with her all day. Gosh, I know her passing will be a blessing and that she will be restored but im going to miss her so much.

    Ill keep everyone posted. God Bless

    Toniann S.


    Dear Fightingformom,

    I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I can so relate to what you are going through and how you are feeling right now as I was there with my dad not that long ago. My thoughts are with you and your family right now and please know that we are all here for you.




    Fighting for Mom
    My thoughts are with you and I pray that you keep up your strength at this difficult time. Your Mom must be sooo proud of her daughter.



    With tears in my eyes, I’m saying a prayer for your family right now.


    Dear fightingforMom,

    I’ve stood in your shoes and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done… Your Mom is so blessed to have raised such a wonderful, loving daughter. You will be the best legacy she leaves behind.

    I understand your pain and am sending hugs, love and prayers for strength as you walk this part of the journey. We are all here for you.



    My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family during this sad and difficult time.

    Love & Hugs,


    Dear fighting for mom, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. How proud she must be of you and what a loving daughter you are. My prayers and thought go out to you and your family at this difficult time.


    “fightingformom” my thoughts and prayers are with you. You said that your mom is the strongest woman you ever met, well I think that she has bestowed that upon you as well. Your mom will be with you forever and you with her. Take care of yourself.
    Susan, I am so glad your husband was able to hold that new grandbaby. Cherished moment. Praying for your family tonight, too.


    Susan….So sorry to hear that your husband has also progressed to this point. My heart is with you in this difficult time.


    I am almost at the same point with my husband and I know what you are experiencing. May the strength of your mom’s love carry you through the hours and days ahead. My heart is with you and I hold you in my own heart. Blessings, Susan


    fighting…..may love continue to surround you.
    My heart is with you and your family.


    My prayers are with you tonight, and the coming days.


    Well ive been posting on this board since November 2009 and im sad to say we are finally at the end.. hospice is set up at my mothers home and now there is staff 24/7. We were told today that she may go tonight.

    My mom, Diana, was diagnosed with this cancer in Nov 2009. She moved to Florida in 2005 to retire and be with her family. She lived next door to me, she was always there, she truely was my best friend and she was only 64.

    She fought with everything she had. Chemo, radiation, medications, surgeries, hospital stays, blood transfusions, everything and she continues to be strong even now..

    Shes 90 pounds, she has the “rattle”, shes bed bound.. hasent taken in any fluids in three days but everytime she sees me she puts her arms up and says hiiiii babe and kisses me all over my face. It breaks my heart everytime but I treasure these moments.

    Ill never say that she “lost” her battle with cancer. She is the strongest woman ive ever met and she WON..shes going to a better place and she will be fully restored and walking on streets of gold. Im happy for her and sad for me because i will miss her.

    We had alot of family in this week from New york.. people just in and out. She was rallying and happy to see everyone. Now that everyone left she just seems tired. Shes in a deep sleep.. I went to see her tonight and she said hi but then got aggitated. I kissed her and left. I just had a feeling that my mom wants everyone to go so she can go home. I feel bad that im not there right now but she really was aggitated and I would like to give her control over something..even if its how she dies.

    My mother taught me so much about living and she continues to teach me things.. even how to die. Shes been so wonderful to the hospice staff, saying thank you, hugging and kissing everyone.. me and my family have just spent the week in bed with her, praying, singing, hugging, kissing.. tears, laughs…. what an emotional rollar coaster..

    God Bless you all.. this isnt easy. I know alot of you have been where im at and I thank you for sharing it with me. Ill keep everyone posted.

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