CC awareness month – honoring Mom

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    Thanks everyone! Yes, she was an incredible lady. I sure do miss her.

    I used Microsoft Publisher to add the text and calendar image to the photo, then saved it as a JPG file.


    Hi Kim,

    That is a great picture of your mum by the beach and thanks very much for sharing it with us. Scraggles, if you want to put the CC logo in your Facebook photo then this worked for me.

    1. Choose pic you want to put the sticker on & make it your profile pic

    2. Follow this link – to the Stickers app

    3. Click the “add sticker” button

    4. When you’ve dragged the sticker to where you want it to be, click the “I’m done” button

    5. A message & a link will come up saying your sticker has been saved to a “Stickers Album” in your Photos – either click that link or go to your Photos & find the new album called “stickers”

    6. Make your stickered photo into your profile pic.

    And huge thanks go to Julia who figured out how to do this then walked me through it all, so thank you Julia!!

    Best wishes,



    Kim….kudos to you. This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing this loving picture of your Mom.
    Best wishes,


    What a great idea! How did you do that to her photo? I would like to do the same.


    Oh, Kimmie she looks like she was a wonderful lady! She was 6 years younger than me and after a major surgery she looked great! I love what you did as all the family changed their FB pics for Teddy as well. It was a beautiful site. Good job!


    I changed my Facebook profile picture to honor my Mom and bring attention to CC awareness month. I’m not sure how to post a link, so I hope this works!

    Isn’t that a neat picture of my Mom? She LOVED the beach, this was taken in Outer Banks in August 2009, just a month after her resection. We used this same photo for the prayer card at her memorial service.

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