What are the alternative ways of relieving Jaundice in 10 days?

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects What are the alternative ways of relieving Jaundice in 10 days?

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    Jean, regarding your question as to where I get Patty’s supplements, The health food store here carries all the supplements but I have searched on line and found that the prices are about half what they are in the healthfood store. I get organic California juice carrots at Publix grocery store. They have tham in 25 pound bags. I am including a website where I get my supplements now.


    You can get the IP-6 in tablet form or capsule form or powder.
    I am trying other brands of IP-6 also. The research Doctor/professor that has done the 20 years of research on it recommends at least 5 grams of IP-6 twice a day. There are no known side effects to it so it can be taken in even greater quantities. Hope this helps. Our prayers are with you.


    Geoff- your pst was very helpful (as has been everyones – so thanks to all!) I’m afriad I don’t know what my uncle’s billirium level is but will find out. But I do understand what you’re saying about being part of the 10%. It really does frighten me, and its awful to think that everything you attempt to do just might not be enough. My uncle seemed better during the day yesterday, but he is himself thinking that if he feels so week after the laparoscopy (i think thats the term for the exploratory surgery?)then how will he get through after the major surgery. By bedtime he was feeling very nausious.

    We were wondering whether there would be an adverse impact if the major surgery was delayed by a week. On one hand the time may help to build him up but then on the other hand it may have an adverse effect becuase of the jaundice!


    I just wanted to address your question about jaundice, as my mother didn’t have jaundice either and it made me very confused after all the research I had done. I think the fact that her cancer was intra-hepatic (within the liver) rather than extrahepatic (the bile ducts outside the liver) had something to do with it. She never had any blockage or drains because the ducts outside the liver were the last ones to be affected. I hope this helps somewhat, and all my best wishes go to you.


    Dear Ted — Have been wondering where you get all the supplements that your wife, Patty, is taking.
    Are they at a health food store? (IP-6, fresh carrot juice, etc.) So glad Patty is doing so well. After reading the many different cases of CC., the uncertainty of how each patient has to deal with it is so frustrating — it seems no two cases are alike. My husband is showing signs of weakness and very poor appetite after having several fairly good months following diagnoses.
    He had no sumptoms. In fact, despite how bad he feels lately, he has never been jaundiced, which seems like such a mystery. Since his appetite is so poor, a gastroenterologist subscribed the medication called Marinol yesterday. It has marijuana in it. It has improved his appetite, but makes him feel spaced out, as marijauna naturally would. Does anyone have info. on this drug? It bothers me to think about this. God bless each and every one reading these posts. We all need His help!!! ~~ Jean


    My husband was diagnosed with cc after he became very jaundiced. They tried to open up the bile duct prior to an operation but were unable to do so. He had the operation with the jaundice.

    Be aware that there is no certainty that an operation can be done until they actually start the operation. My husband had CAT scans. MRI and laporoscopy before his operation. They all were negative – no spread to other organs. So the prospect looked good. Unfortunately once they open him up they saw that there were multiple modules on the omentum (covering of the bowel) which were not detectable before. They therefore decided not to proceed with the op.

    After my husband’s failed operation they tried three times to open the duct (ECRP)
    I personally think that these three attampts did more harm than good and seeded the cancer in other places. (No evidence at all for this just an intuition)

    I wish your uncle good luck. Leeds is a centre of excellence for liver surgery so he is in good hands.


    Hello Ak
    MY Wife Patty was diagnosed in Feb. 07 and had unresectable surgery. She dicided to not have any chemo or radiation. We have read so much about the terrible side effects. I agreed with her and we are trying several alternative treatments. We have heard a lot of good things about IP-6 and she is also using Par de’ arco and chapperell and red clover and Milk thistle. She takes 10 grams of IP-6 a day. She recovered from her surgery and is feeling better each day. She also drinks 20 ounces of fresh carrot juice morning and evening. She had external drains to relieve the pressure of the bile. After four trys over a period of two month, they finally were able to insert an internal drain and she is improving in strength and getting her appitite back. Her bilirubin has returned to normal. We believe in prayer and lean heavely on our Lord and Saviour for strength and healing if it is HIs will. We live one day at a time and understand what you are going through. Our prayers are with you and all going through the awful desease.
    Ted (Patty’s husband)



    Sorry I can’t add much to what has already been said. What is his bilirubin level ? Mine went up to about 400 and I was advised that the surgery would be more of a risk at such a high level, fortunately after a few attempts with stents they were able to insert an external drain and the bilirubin level came down to about 40 in 3 weeks, at which point the surgery went ahead.

    In any case I’m sure that being under Prof Lodge’s team at Leeds your uncle is in very good hands – Prof Lodge did my resection and I reckon he’s the best in the UK. Just be aware that this is very major surgery and there is a risk that your uncle might not survive it – the 10% figure you have been quoted. In fact this is the statistical non-survival rate, I suspect that patients who are in a weak state pre-op are more likely to be in this 10% group. So you are absolutely right to look for ways of stacking the odds in your uncle’s favour. I forced myself to walk every day (my family used to really push me into this), not sure how much that helped but I felt I was doing something positive. Maybe the herbal supplements recommended by others will help, it’s probably worth a try.

    But like your uncle says – do I have a choice ? My own prognosis without surgery was 3 months, 6 if I was lucky (my tumour was quite advanced). I decided I had no choice and wqs willing to take the risk. That was 18 months ago and I enjoy every day of being alive with my family – that’s the prize for having a resection. But it’s a very personal decision, not to be taken lightly. I wish him well.



    Thank you to you all for your messages – it makes all the difference as you can see that you’re not alone in this. I am really quite new to this and im certain I wont have all the terminology correct ert. My uncle is under a consultant called Dr Raj Prasad who is in Prof Peter Lodge’s team at Leeds. I have to say Dr Raj Prasad has been really good so far. Each time he’s met with us, he’s taken the time out to talk properly explaining in detail what our options are and then what e cae across during the exploratory surgery. It’s just that we are so caught up in emotions that some details just go over your head. He has explored the different medical ways of relieving my Uncle’s Jaundice but has been unsuccessful. When he was telling us this I could see that he felt gutted that he couldn’t tell us something different.

    He did outline all the various ways of relieving the Jaundice in the medical route but all options were very quickly eliminated. I just feel really helpless, but I’m trying to remain positive. My uncles just so itchy though. My other uncle is elping mby giving him regular massages, which I think helps circulation but also calms his itching a little. I just know how I feel when I’m itchy, and its horrible to know that he is itchy 24-7.

    There is a tumor on the liver, in the bile duct and lymph glands. Before this major operation we just wanted to explore alternative routes to at least see if we can help the jaundice. But I guess we’re just clutching to straws. Am i just wasting my time looking into medicinal / herbal treatments, as this obviously can’t move the obstuction in the bile duct? We’ll probably try anyway. Jeff, thanks for your ‘take the bull by the horns’ and ‘keep your pecker up’ – Will certainly try to.

    I just wanted him to have a better chance during the major surgery, and hence was looking into alternative treatment. I will note the various suggestions and see what we can do (if anything!). Thanks to you all though – I really do value everyone’s support.


    AK As Jeff has commented the bottom line is surgery, Alan had a bag on to drain the bile for one weekend only and the following week had 2 attempts to put a stent in. The second attempt was a success. This was done at the QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL in Birmingham. (liver ward)
    He was able to eat soft food and lots of drinks for a while.
    love and light teresa


    AK, You can check this web site out. It offers a lot of alternative methods for relieving juandice. But I would be very cautious and I wouldn’t try anything drastic or without approval by your Doctor. The bottom line is surgery to unblock the bile ducts with proper sents or drainage tubes. These alternatives are more in line for slow sludgy build up types of blockage and may do nothing for you or may give a little relief.( http://www.herballegacy.com/id115.htm) I agree with jules ; Peter Lodge has recieved many testimonials of a true professional. I wish your Uncle the best through these trying and uncertain times. As my British 80 year old Motherlaw tells me all the time “Keep your Pecker Up” I never have asked her where or how the saying originated. In the US we would say keep on trucking or take the bull by the horns. Stay positive!!!! That’s really important to the best of your ability. God Bless you all.
    Jeff G.



    If it is peter lodge taking care of your uncle then i’m sure he will have thought of everything possible to help..(he operated on my dad) have they explored inserting an external drain? – this can help to reduce the bilirubin level.

    This is a risky operation, it sounds as though your uncle is going into it fully informed of the odds. I am sorry that your family are having to face this. There are alot of cc sufferers and family members on this board who have experience of this surgery and I’m sure you will get alot of support here.

    take care, jules


    My uncle was diagnosed with CC about month a go. They discovered it becuase of his Jaundice state. The hospitals here in Birmingham said that they would not be able to operate and they said he would have up to a year to live after they releived his jaundice.

    We got him referred to St James in Leeds for a second opinion. The consultant there said that he would relieve the jaundice state with a stent and was willing to operate on him to remove the tumour. However, the radiologist disagreed with the Consultant and said that he shouldn’t do the procedure to releive the jaundice. Now after this the consultant did an explorotary operation and tried to see if he could surgically try to remove the Jaundice. Unfortunately it was a no go. My uncle’s bile ducts are too damaged.

    The consultant has now said that we he will attempt the operation even though my uncle is in a Jaundice state in a couple of weeks time but has also told us not to pin our hopes on it. There is a 10 percent risk that my uncle may not recover frm this operation, and even if it is successful it may give him another 18months of life.

    We, his family together with my uncle have decided to give the operation a chnace. Its like he says’ do i ave a choice’? He has a 5yr old son, 3yr old daughter, and a 5week only baby boy. He as every reason to live and fight against this desease to prolong his life. It breaks me to peices to watch young family.

    If anyone can offer me any advice what so ever on alternative treatment to relieve his jaundice and to got him fit for this major surgery please contact me IMMEDIATELY.

    I thank you in advance for taking this time to read the post and pray that you have the strength to get through any difficult time that you and your family may be going through.

    A x

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