Oncologist says “No More Chemo”

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Oncologist says “No More Chemo”

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    I have asked every time, but my dad has been turned down for every trial we have tried. He had colon cancer in 2009 and has UC and PSC, so he seems to be excluded. I will ask again tomorrow.


    Stacey – I hope the doctors have something to offer you next week. My husband was told about a clinical trial that Loma Linda is participating in. There wasn’t any hope for my husband, but they are researching the effects of a drug used for prostate cancer on other cancers. Other hospitals are also participating in that trial. My husband did not qualify due to low protein levels. They said if we got his protein levels up, to come back in two weeks to be reassessed. Best wishes, Susan



    Thank you. We have an appointment Tuesday to speak in person and also look at new labs. Given my dad has had a couple cholangitis flair ups and three blood infections prior to chemo and post Whipple, they likely would have happened anyway, but he has been really sick with chemo side effects. He is almost three weeks post chemo tx and he still needs zofran every eight hours to be able to eat. The IV antibiotics and blood have really pepped him up but those have to come to an end eventually…


    Stacey, I am so sorry to hear what is happening to your dad. Not sure but I think I would ask for a visit/call to the Oncologist and see what he suggests. Best of luck to you, I know this is frustrating as well as devastating and we can feel better just knowing a game plan, yes?


    My dad is almost to one year from diagnosis. He has done five rounds of chemo (Gemzar only) and the last three were only 75%…He has been hospitalized two of the last seven weeks and has had a bad, bad case of cholangitis and a blood infection, along with all the side effects of chemo. He was slated to add Cis, but it was deemed too risky. He is on home IV antibiotics and the PA has given us the heads up his oncologist is not keen to go forth. We sought out this oncologist, as his last one was not willing to try, for fear of killing him. He also is not able to do radiation.

    My dad wants quality of life first and foremost. His tumor markers and liver function have not improved at all and he spent January in bed or the hospital every single day.

    What do we do from here? He is not eligible for any clinical trials, He takes supplements, eats as best he can…

    I feel helpless and we have had A+ care throughout the journey….


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