gas that causes chest and back pain

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    Hello to all you wonderful people. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your responses. I went to a medical oncologist the other day and she did recommend Creon, pacreatic enzyme, which has helped tremendously with the gas. Thanks again, Bettyann


    BettyAnn: I call it gastritis, and I have experienced it both as a sufferer of acid reflux disease and a side-effect of both IHCC and SBRT, an experiemtal treatment for IHCC. Recently I had to insist that my chemo onc refer me to a gastroenterologist for an upper and lower GI, and the gastrodoc discovered a small ulcer that appeared after the experimental radiation treatment. I’ve suffered from gas that cuses back pain and swollen belly pain, like you.

    The GastroDoc said that I should stay on omeprazole, as I do have acid reflux disease, and he had me double the normal dosage for 2 weeks to ease it up more. I also take tagamet. He did not, however, address diet, which he should have–lots of coffee blows me up like a balloon, for example. There is a diet, called the GERD diet, which heps you with with acid reflux symptoms.

    My best advice however is to see a gastroenterologist.

    Good luck!


    Hi Bettyann,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I am glad that you have joined us here as you will get so much support and help from all of us here. And if you have any questions at all then just ask away and all of us will do what we can to help in answering them.

    As to the gas causing some pain in your chest and back, have you spoken with your doctor or onc about this, and if so what did they say? My dad used to get similar sort of pains now and again and he spoke with his GI specialist about this, and he recommeneded eating foods that were easier to break down if you could, stuff like soup, minced beef etc. I’m not syaing that this is the same for you, but it might help. My dad also had some issues with heartburn and indigestion and he used to take some over the counter meds for this when he needed to.

    I hope that you keep coming back here and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Best wishes,



    Hello Bettyann and welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to join. I, would likek to know more about you also, if you don’t mind. My husband used to get a lot of heartburn if that is what you mean by gas. Over the counter you can try Omeprazole or Tagamet and Mylenta is excellent. If you are taking chemo or radiation that could be causing it also. I would call the doctor and ask him what he advises. Looking forward to hearing more from you and you HAVE come to the right place.


    Welcome to the site no one wants to find. Where are you located and what treatment are you seeking? It’s important early on to really get moving on a treatment plan involving one of the major cancer centers. There’s not too many cases a year (~2000 in the US), so only big city care has the requisite experience.

    Regarding, the gas, I would consult a nutritionist, since a diet change may help with that and the pain. The only symptoms I experienced were bright yellow skin color, very dark urine color, and fierce itching with no rash everywhere, but zero pain.

    I live on the Eastern Shore of MD and was operated on 4/2009 at NY Presbyterian in NYC, so convenience was way down on the list of priorities for me.

    Good luck in seeking care.

    Below is a link to places some of us found to be OK for care:

    I have posted my experience at the end of the list.


    Hello,my name is Betty Ann and was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in Jan 2011 located in the common bile duct. I have alot of gas causing sharp pain in my chest and back and I was wondering if anyone had the same symptoms and what was done to alleviate this problem. I have tried all traditional medicines, even pain medication, but it doesn’t stop the gas. Thank you!

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