Update on my sweetie, Doug.

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update on my sweetie, Doug.

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    Nancy….hmmm….a glass of wine sounds just right.
    Hugs right back at you.


    Thanks so much Lainy, Cheryl and Marion for your kind remarks. We were pretty shaken up tonight. My son’s fiancee and her family are in Christchurch New Zealand for a wedding and holiday. Just got word that they are all okay after a few hours of intense worry and no contact. I do not think my nerves will ever be the same. Maybe a glass of wine before bed, no that will probably make me cry. Hope I can sleep. Hugs to you all.


    Nancy….Thanks for sharing the good and not so good news with us. There is so much joy to be found with those things so very familiar to us. Doug’s snow blowing must allow him to feel some sense of normality something, so very much needed when our activities are restricted for various reasons. I especially am happy to hear about his lessened pain. May all the good things continue on.
    Congratulations on the engagement especially since you are so very fond of the chosen. Don


    Nancy – Unfortunately, I do know what “blowing snow” is. Glad to hear that Dougs labs and overall wellness have improved. As you know, you and I (Herb and Doug) are very similiar in age, number of years married, grandchildren and much to my dismay, both our husbands have been diagnosed with “Stage 4 C.C.” This was not exactly the “Retirement Plan” that either of us expected but “it is what it is”!
    Herbs short term memory was also affected, especially when he was on Chemo. I am sorry to hear that there has been progression but glad they are going to continue chemo! Herbs disease has also progressed but not at a rapid pace. He recently had a repeat CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis and we see the oncologist Feb. 25 (will get results at that time). Please Nancy, keep us posted and congratulations on the engagement. Continue to enjoy, one day at a time! Every day is another for the “book of memories”!


    P>S> I hit the wrong key. I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on your son’s engagement. That is just wonderful.


    Dear Nancy, it sounds like Doug knows just how to administer his own RX….blow snow! Snow? What is that? :):)
    We sure learn quickly how to take the bad with the good, yes? I am hoping for Doug to keep up his good spirit and like Margaret always says, just keep on kickin it!


    I have good and bad news. I will start with the good. Doug’s bilirubin, ammonia and other liver markers continue to go down. He is feeling better the last few weeks than the few months prior. His pain is way down, so that he is able to putter around and do his projects. He made a stain glass bird the other day and went out and did the snowblowing for the first time this winter. I was concerned about that but he was fine and felt so good about it. So, I was floored last Wednesday when we had our visit with the oncologist to review the latest scan – progression of the tumors in his liver and bones. It hit me hard; because of his improvement I was at least expecting – no change. Go figure! On another good note Doug’s short term memory is poor right now, so he forgets what the doctor said. A blessing in diguise. The doctor agreed we will continue the chemo for a bit and see how it goes due to the impoved quality of life.
    Was able to take Doug on a 5 hour round trip this weekend to visit his 91 year old Dad. Despite a strained (but loving) relationship over the years they had a very good visit. Stopped to look at travel trailers on the way back and Doug was ready to buy one on the spot. We had a truck and camper for years when the kids were growing up and miss the freedom of being able to just take off. We will continue to look for something that is just right, to enjoy this summer. Sure looking forward to warm weather and lots of sun! Still kicking butt up here in Revelstoke and enjoying each day one at a time.
    Oh, don’t know if I mentioned (probably did – can not help it) my son got engaged last month. We love her dearly and are so happy for the 2 of them. Hurrah!
    Thanks to all for listening.

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