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    Tomlee, I have had a PET scan which did not light up my abdominal lymph nodes that were evident on CAT scan. I had an MRI which allowed my doctors to see the enlarged ducts that couldn’t be seen any other way. For me the CAT scan has been the best follow up test to see if there is growth or spread.


    I have had CT’s, MRI’s and and due to have a pet scan in a week or so. I had a CT scan in ND prior to surgery and an MRI at Mayo. After surgery I had a CT scan at Mayo and a follow up CT scan in ND. I am currently doing gem/cis and just finished my 5th of 8 cycles. I don’t know if there is a “right” answer to your question. Sometimes the tumors can be too small to show up on a PET scan. I have some very small “spots” show up in my lung on my last CT scan, so that I why they recommended a PET, even though they are not sure they are big enough to be seen on a PET, but since I have never had a PET scan it will serve as a baseline scan for me. With my previous CT and MRI scans they didn’t get enough of my lung field to have a comparison scan to see if the spots in my lung were there before. So in a nutshell, it probably would be beneficial to speak with your doctor and go over the risks and benefits of the different scans and decide what is best for you. It is true that an MRI will give a more defined picture of your body and it will pick up things both a CT and PET scan will miss. Remember that you have a right to ask as many questions as you want and be comfortable with your plan of care. I hope my ramblings help and good luck.


    Hi Tomlee,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but glad that you have joined us here as you will get a ton of support and help from everyone here. Feel free to ask a load of questions and all of us will do what we can to try and help answer them. Also, we have a great search forum function at the top of the page. If you type in what you are looking for, a description, word etc then it will throw up any relevant discussions. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Best wishes,



    Tomlee, I had written to you on this before but can’t remember where. It was explained to me that a PET will show all hot spots but and MRI is more definitive
    for seeing exactly what they want to see. I once had a PET to see if there were any hot spots and there was 2 then they ordered an MRI to show those spots more defined.


    I was told that, at least for me, MRI would be the preferred imaging for cc. Unfortunately, I couldn’t have MRI’s BC I have an AICD (pacer) implanted. You should be aware that PET and CT imaging gives the patient HUGE radiation doses. Order of magnitude: one CT/PET equals about 500 chest xrays. My doctors would had preferred MRI’s if they had been possible.

    What is your total treatment plan? Does it include surgery?

    I had six months months of chemo (Gemzar 2 on/1 off) following a left hepatic lobe resection almost two years ago, and am clean so far.

    Welcome and good luck.


    (I also posted this under “Chemotherapy”)

    I started on the G/C combo in January, 2010. My cycle was once a week for two weeks and then a week off. I did that through September when my PET scan showed no tumors. Six weeks later they were evident again. My oncologist (Minnesota Oncology) recommended getting back on the same schedule. I decided to go to Mayo as it’s just 90 miles away from my home. In a nutshell, I was told that my oncologist was right on the mark, that I should go back to St. Paul and I’d be in good hands. I started the G/C combo again last month and will have another scan at the end of April to see what’s happening.

    My main side effect is anemia (no hair loss and I’ve gained 20 pounds). I get injections of aranespe and neulasta to build up my blood counts.

    Maybe slightly off-topic – but I’ve been getting regular PET scans to determine the effectiveness of chemo on the tumors. Mayo gave me a CAT scan instead. I see on other entries the mention of MRI’s. Is one test more reliable than the others? I haven’t been able to find pertinent info online.

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