Next steps – aborted Whipple, recent sepsis..

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    Hi Kevin,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry to hear about your dad. But I’m glad that you have joined us all here as you will get a load fo support and help from everyone. And feel free to ask a ton of questions if you have them and we will all do what we can to help answer them.

    At the top of the page is the search function for the site and this is an excellent resource. Just type anything in and it will throw up a load of relevant discussions to you involving the members here. My dad never had the whipples or any type of chemo so I cant share his experiences of that with you, but I know that others will be along soon to share their experiences with you.

    Glad to hear that your dad is out of the ICU and that he is responding well to the antibiotics, and I hope that he makes a speedy recovery. I hope you will keep coming back here and I look forward to hearing more from you.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Hi Kevin….I would like to follow Lainy in welcoming you to the site no one wants to belong to but, is so happy to have found. We are all to familiar with sepsis, a serious blood infection. The absolute fantastic news is that your Dad has responded so well to the antibiotics and is recovering quite nicely. Given the history of your Dad’s gall bladder rupture it is highly likely for it to be the reason for the infection. Although, chemotherapy lowers the immune system I don’t believe that it caused the issues with your Dad. Of course, only his physician will be able to confirm this.
    In the meantime you might want to learn as much as possible about this disease. This site is a good place to start, as it offers links to reputable information including the invaluable experiences shared by our great members.
    The knowledge gained will empower you to make informed decisions.
    Please, stay in touch. We are in this together.
    All my best wishes,


    Dear Kevin, welcome to our wonderful family but so sorry you had to join us.
    My husband Teddy, had an aborted Whipple due to the ESCRP dye leaking on the Pancreas and turning it in to mush. It needed to be more solid so the Surgeon could cut the head of the pancreas off to get to the CC which was underneath in the bile duct valve. He recouped for 3 weeks and then got extremely ill like your dad with a double ecoli infection, never saw anything so horrible. Then 3 weeks later he had the second Whipple and it was very successful. I am wondering if it may have been the Gall Bladder surgery that caused your dad’s infection. Could you clarify if the mass was found before the chemo? I am not sure at what point the mass was found. I practice “gut” medicine and something doesn’t sound right. Where is he being treated and has anyone asked the ONC/Surgeon if they have treated CC before? Many doctors have not because of it’s rarity. If the answer is that the hospital/doctor is not familiar with CC then run, don’t walk to someone who has. We are big believers in getting 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions. If you tell us where you are located we may be able to give you some suggestions. I know you will soon be getting some more welcomes on this Board with more suggestions.


    Hi all

    It is great to find a site where people can share their experience’s of this horrible illness. I wish everybody the best through this long and complicated journey.

    My Dad (64) was diagnosed last October. At first, it appeared the whipple procedure would be a feasable option but this was not to be. Only days before he was due to have the surgery, he suffered a ruptured gall bladder which meant the surgery could not go ahead.

    His gall bladder was removed and up until last week he was in recovery from this. The surgeon recommended Chemo as the next step. I am not sure why..

    He had his first treatment of Chemo last Wednesday and on Thursday was rushed back to hospital with severe abdominal pain.

    He had an undetected infection which got into the bloodstream causing sepsis. His medical team saved his life – my dad’s kidneys shut down, liver function went off the scale and he was just able to manage to breath without being intubated.

    Now, 5 days on, he thankfully is out of ICU and in a high dependency unit responding very well to his antiobiotics.

    In recent weeks, a mass was discovered on his liver. They are not sure what it is and need to wait until he is fit enough to carry out any further investigation on this.

    I wonder if anyone has been through anything similar? Could the chemotherapy have triggered the infection (and in turn the sepsis)? I will be discussing with his consultant but nice to have an open forum also.


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