Hope from our CC family

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    Dear Rachna……I agree with the others in that your Mom’s pain has to be brought under control. I would contact her physician and insist on immediate actions to be taken including, of possibly having her admitted to the hospital. Your Mom should not have to suffer with this horrible pain. Please, stay in touch and let us know the response.
    All my best wishes,


    Dear Rachna – I agree – keep on the doctors to get that pain controlled. They can find something to treat it. No one should have to live with that kind of pain. My heart goes out to you and mom. Saying prayers for you to find an answer and good treatment for the pain. We always recommend second and third opinions, so you might want to consider that. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. blessings, Susan


    Dear Rachna – Lainy is right…..your Mom’s pain should be able to be controlled. There are many medicines and combinations of medicines that can be taken to control pain. Nag that doctor to give you some answers! Please keep us posted and I hope things take a turn for the better soon. Hugs – Nancy


    Dear Rachna, only the Doctors can tell if the Cancer is growing and they would have to do that with an MRI, CT or PET Scan. Have they suggested that? Not sure why they cannot control the pain. Perhaps you need to let them know that she is in that amount of pain that she cannot even talk. Would they let a Nurse come to the house? Not sure what is happening here but you have every right to know and if they cannot come up with answers perhaps you need another doctor. I am so sorry for what you are all having to go through and am sending my best wishes. Please keep us posted.


    My mom (61 years) has CC with local and distant mets ( lymph nodes, liver, lungs, gall bladder, and maybe pancreas). We were made aware of this in June 2010 and since then my mom’s had 2 ERCP’s, followed by pancreatitis each time. She now has a metal stent which is functioning well so far.

    Shez been on Gem/Cis, which was interrupted because of infections, but has now completed her first treatment of 6 sessions. The treatment has stunned the growth so far and my mom felt better during the latter half of chemo with good apetite.

    However, since the beginning of 2011 and since chemo has stopped my mom has not had any apetite. She is experiencing severe Abdominal and back pain. Pain killers are not helping her situation and she has tried quiet a few of them. Her oncologist referred her to a panel of doctors at Princess Margaret who will suggest next steps in terms of experimental trials. However, they will not suggest any till her pain in under control.

    She has not eaten in 2 months and her pain is worse every day. Shez stopped talking because it hurts to do even that. I would do anything to take the pain away, but her oncologist and family doctor have not been able to pinpoint the reason, nor offer an effective solution. We thought of putting her through Gem/cis again for the pain, but her oncologist does not think it will be a good idea.

    Has anyone experienced this severe pain? What does this mean? Is her cancer growing? Is the clock ticking for her? What could this be? IS it gas? All these questions haunt me, and I am hoping for answers from anyone out there desperately.

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