Mom’s now resting

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Mom’s now resting

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    Lanne, You definitely have had your share of sorrow. Your mom sounds just lovely and I am glad you are finding peace in that she is with your dad. I know how hard this if for you, for no matter what age we are we feel orphaned at the passing of our parents. Take comfort in knowing they are always with you, you will feel their presence everyday. Take care. Nancy


    Thank you all so much for the kind words, thoughts and prayers. This is definitely the hardest thing I’ve had to face in life, but I know that I was blessed to have had the wonderful life that I was albe to experience with her. God Bless you all!


    I am so sorry for your loss. You’ll hear people say your life will get back to normal, I found there is no normal. I loss my Mom Nov. 21, 2010, my husband to cc Feb. 17, 2010. I was with them my Mom I stayed with her for the last one and a half weeks. My Wayne I was with him in the hospital for 4 weeks and 1 day at hospice. To watch your love one get weaker and weaker and knowing you can’t do anything about it has to be the hardest thing on earth, but would you have not been there, I don’t think so. Go to counseling I have been going for 8 months it is well worth it.

    May God give you peace.



    I’m so sorry to hear about your mom :( I agree with you that i’ll never get over watching a loved one diminish and pass away. I experienced that with my dad just over 3 weeks ago, so my heart goes out to you.

    Please take care of yourself during this time,



    Dear Lanne,

    I’m so sorry to hear that your beloved Mom as passed away. I lost my Dad on Feb 19th, so I know how you are feeling.

    My thoughts and love are with you.

    Andrea x


    Dearest Lanne

    I am so sorry for the sad loss of your mom. These are difficult times, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    “Death is not extinguishing the light; It is putting out the lamp because the Dawn has come.”

    Lots of love



    Dear Lanne – I am so sorry for you loss. Keep coming to the site and talking with us. Many of us have recent losses also and understand how you are feeling. I am sure that your mom and dad and talking about how proud they are of you and all that you have done in your life. They are having a glorious reunion and one day you will join them. Blessings, Susan


    Dear Lanne,

    I am sorry you have lost your mom. I know what it is like to lose a loved one to this disease. Grieving is not an easy task. Take some comfort in knowing that she is now with your dad and no longer suffering or in pain. Your mom & dad will always be with you in your heart and memories. They are all around you, watching over you. Take care of yourself . We are all here for you if you need us for help, support or just to listen.

    Love & Hugs,


    I’m sorry to hear that your mom has passed and please accept my condolences at this difficult time for you.

    Look after yourself………..Gerry


    Lanne, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Your mom is at peace now with your dad. I, too, have lost both parents now. Take care of yourself and rest when you can. It will become easier to deal with in the future but for now, I know it hurts. I am truly sorry you lost your mom, your best friend.


    Dear Lanne – My thoughts are with you right now. It’s not easy to lose both your parents to cancer. We are all praying with you for a cure. Take time to care for yourself and know we are all with you in spirit – Nancy


    Dearest Lanne, Your mom is now at Peace and I am sure she was so grateful to have your by her side for this terrible journey. I do believe that Mother’s just don’t leave their children and she will soon be all around you. All you hve to do is look around a be aware. My heartfelt Sympathies to your family.


    After an extremely courageous battle with this horrific illness (diagnosed 8/09), my mom passed away Friday, February 25th at 10:15pm. We were still in the local Hospice facility. She had been experiencing shortness of breath for quite some time and was on 4 liters of oxygen. It is so hard to watch a loved one decline, and I’ll never get over it. She was my very best friend. It is a blessing knowing that she is now in heaven with my dad and is able to finally rest. My dad passed away in 1998 at the age of 51 with stomach cancer. For these cancers to be so “rare”, I’ve seen my share. I can now only pray that a cure is found soon….

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