Drug Alluding Spheres

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    procedure was replaced in July and Sept by regular chemoembollizatioon…the recoevery time was the same and radiologist felt the procedure did not gain much in terms of keeping rest of liver heathy. So am not sure if it is any different at all.


    Hi there,

    I hope all is better and was actually wondering about how did the procedure go. Is it something that is worth considering? What does it involve?
    All the best.



    Thanks Jeff -am also anxious about the healthy liver tissue obviously. I think this procedure is pretty cutting edge but not unknown…however not many interventional rediologists do it. I will keep everyone abreast of course. It has been scheduled for June 6th now -please keep us in your prayers.


    Hi Michele… I have heard very little about this procedure and will have to do a little reseach on it. It sounds logical to fight locally and to cut off the blood suppy to the tumors. The only question I would have is how much is it going to effect the remaining good tissuse of the liver. I’m sure that has been taking in to consideration as far as dosage is required. I really wish you and your husband the very best on this procedure. Please do let us all no how it goes, some of us may want to follow suit. You know Cathy I have been seeing a lot more activity toward new types of treatments and combination of treatments within that last 4-6 months. A lot of awareness seems to be flowing to some places and people who seem to be kicking it up a notch! as Emeril would say. I know many of as are grasping on to the hope that things will really change for the good in the near future. Like Peter said, as long as we keep on trying there is hope if not for a cure but something that will put the binders on further progression woud be great. I have that same positive thoughts.
    Also thanks to you for all the posts of encouragement. It’s also great to here good news from others as well. Mary, I have no doubt in my heart your hubby’s check up will go well. You know I got caught munching a chocolate brownie yesterday. After a little scolding, my wife said if you decide to have one we will split it in half and share. Ha! I think thats her way of keeping tabs on my little splurges. But I agreed to the sharing bit.
    God bless you all!
    Jeff G.


    My husband is being scheduled for this procedure instead of regular chemoembollization and I wondered if anyone on this site has any experience with it? It seems to be the same kind of procedure as a previous post for Theraspheres except these spheres ( administered throught the catheter) will carry chemo instead of radiation. This will choke of the blood supply and administer a leakage of chemo ( Doxicerbin sp?) that will not affect the rest of his system so much as systemic. He has a right lobe tumor of 11.5 cm and 2 tumors of 3cm on left lobe. He just finished 2 cycles of Gemzar and Xeloda and is presently having issues with fatigue, fevers lack of energy, appetite. His numbers are good though and liver function is Ok despite a portal thrombosis. Hopefully by next week he will feel stronger as there will be some backlash from the procedure. Anyone who has had it -would appreciate their experience with it. Many thanks, Michele

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