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  • #49299

    I am so sorry that I have no information to offer, only encouragement as you traverse these difficult waters. How blessed your dad is to have you loving him and looking for answers. May you find the information you need to help your dad. While you are gathering answers, continue to share your love with one another, ask questions, remember the happy times, and hug each other. Blessings, Susan


    thanks. My dad is 80 . however all his other organs r fine. lungs n chest clear. a healthy heart. However the CC is at the y junction. he has lost lot of wt. also contacted jaundice. considering his age , general hlth the docs have ruled out operation .i m frm india mumbai. is therasphere advisable ?
    i have heard there can be leakages n it can spread to heart .


    Hi Sitaram, I responded to your question under the intro section, but I am re-posting this here in case you missed it. Please read the posts under the intro section where you had also asked this question. I also had a 10 x 10 cm inoperable tumor. However, I found a dr who is like none other, Tomoaki Kato. My tumor & 3/4 of my liver were removed. My left portal vein and vena cava were replaced by synthetic parts & my jugular vein. Lots of reconstruction, but it was successful. First of all, if you question statistics, you are placing yourself in a position to believe what you hear and then live, or allow your father to live for that suggested period of time. Don’t let others set the rules, make your own. No one really knows how long because the reality is cancer has a mind of its own. Rather than question, tell your father to continue fighting with all of his might. I never asked the drs what my time frame was. I knew the prognosis was grim, but rather I said “I will tell them how long I have”. And that’s just what I did. I am alive & well today. Regarding therasphere, when it comes to CC, everything is worth a chance, however, in order to truly set out for a cure, removing the tumor is the only true chance. Dr. Tomoaki Kato at Presbyterian Med Ctr in NY gives people with inoperable tumors an opportunity to become operable. He is unable to attempt surrgery for every patient, but I would certainly contact him to find out if your dad may be a surgical candidate. If he isn’t, then by all means try chemo or therasphere, whatever it takes to beat this. I am a firm believer in never giving up, so please don’t stop fighting for your dad. Without treatment, the cancer will do its best to take over. With treatment, you make it a little tougher for the cancer to win. Anything that can attempt to slow the progession of these cells is worth a try. Every day that your dad is on this earth brings the hope for a new treatment and a cure. Dont ever give up on hope. I am living proof of miracles. My true hope is to have many, many more people join that group. I will pray for you & your family. If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to call upon me. My email is Best to you.



    My Father has been diag with intrahepatic Colangiocarcinoma of size 6cm by 6cm , poorly differentiated in seg iv B extending into the porta . there is mild dilation of intrahepatic bilary radicles. The dr has suggested therasphere. kindly guide. what is the life span without treatment ? & with treatment ?
    Side effects my email

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