
Discussion Board Forums Introductions! CC-Cholangio

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    Mary I too had a resection 4/09 and have been clean so far. I can relate to looking over your shoulder to see if the monster’s there again, but we can’t obsess over it. Try to live each day like it’s the last and don’t worry too much about stuff we have no control over. BTW, I found this place only recently and wish I had known about it several years ago.

    I just sent my onc the link to the site and gave her a quick overview of it. I would like to suggest that others here do likewise, since the professionals that help us are a very busy lot.

    Mary, glad you eventually found us! Good scans forever!


    Hi Mary,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I’m glad that you have joined in with us all here. You will get a load of support from all of us and as Margaret says, get ready to meet a whole new bunch of friends!

    That is good to hear that you were able to have a resection and great that you are feeling good right now. Hopefully the good news will continue for you when you get your scans in May, I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I look forward to hearing more from you.

    Best wishes,



    Hello MaryD and welcome to our wonderful family. Congratulations on already being a CC Survivor! I love that you volunteer at City of Hope they do many wonderful things. We are so happy to have you join us and look forward to you chiming in often. Best wishes for a successful Scan on May 11th!!!


    Hi MaryD:

    Welcome to the site that no one really wants to join, but now that you are here be prepared to find a whole new bunch of friends that you can laugh with, cry with, vent with. We are all here for support for one another. It does not matter if you are the patient or the caregiver, we treat everyone as family!

    You’ve beaten the ‘hard’ part, the re-section and the chemo! Yes, there is always the fear that the cancer may return, but as you say then you’ll fight again!

    My husband Tom had a resection in June ’08 and in Nov ’09 he presented with a new inoperable tumor and jaundice. His ‘then’ onc told him to go home and do nothing that he had 6 months. We just started the 20th month of life because we did not listen to that onc. He underwent radiation and chemo and we have had a lot of ‘firsts’ since that time. One tiny new granson named Thomas after his papa, three more birthdays for Tom as well as three more holidays!

    Prayers DO help and also a fighting spirit helps too!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!



    I wanted to also to say…we all have doubts and fear of a return, but for the mean time…enjoy every moment when you are feeling GREAT… cuase when the time comes and a return is looking at you in the face,…FIGHT-AGAIN…that’s all we can do…


    Hello My name is Mary D.
    I was diagnosised 8/09…had surgery (resection liver), also had chemo- cistplastin/gemzar ….
    I am happy to say I am still here and feeling good. I do stress that one day CC may return, I am due for a triple phase liver CT in May’11…I have pain at times in the same area, but I am told it is the scar tissue that causes the pain…..Still I worry.
    I am now a volunteer at City of Hope in Monrovia, Ca. and Hoope to some day work at least part time there.

    I believe it is all in attitude, as I am always told that…So with prayers and keeping a good outlook in life and listening to music helps

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