Update on Doug and family.

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update on Doug and family.

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    Thanks all. Doug’s checkup went well. His bilirubin was actually normal!! His ammonia levels continue to be high so going to up the lactulose dosage. They are not too concerned with the swelling at this point because it is not bothering him or affecting his breathing or anything. So, we take one day at a time.
    Just about finished week two of work – sooo tired but it’s worth it. The kids were happy to have me back and it’s good to have some normalcy – whatever that is -lol!
    Take care everyone.


    Hi Nancy,

    So happy to hear that Doug is doing well and your able to enjoy some normalcy in your lives. Congrats on the wedding . Keep enjoying every moment.


    Nancy…..Sounds as if everything is in an upward mode….spring is here, Doug is less confused, and oh…the upcoming wedding; so many wonderful happenings to be appreciated. Thanks for keeping our spirits up, too.
    All my best wishes,


    So glad you posted…I have been wondering how you and Doug are doing. I’m really pleased to hear that all is going well. I have returned to work as well and know how exhausting it can be! Glad that wedding preparations are coming along, such a wonderful event to look forward to and spring weddings are so beautiful. Spring has sprung in Calgary, apparently! We got about 10 inches of snow on Friday and Saturday but today dawned with bright sun and the snow is melting …typical April in Canada!!! It gives you even more to look foward to. Anyways Nancy, your family are on my mind lots and I wish for you all a wonderful spring, and exciting (and peaceful) preparation for the big day.


    Dear Nancy, wonderful, wonderful post! You both seem to have everything under control, except the snow! With a wedding to look forward to, well it just doesn’t get much better. Hope to keep hearing good news reports. Best wishes to you both and I hope they can take care of the swelling Tuesday.


    Hi Nancy,

    Thank you so much for letting us know how Doug is doing. It is great to hear that he is doing well and that his blood work has improved, and I hope also that something can be done for the swelling. I know what you mean about getting rid of the snow. We had it constantly here for about 2 months and it was great to see the ground again once it had all melted! Enjoy all that sitting in the sunshine and taking in the vitamin D!!

    Best wishes to you and Doug,



    Thought I would just let you know how Doug is doing these days. We are half way through cycle 6 of chemo and he is really doing quite well. He tires and sleeps a lot on the weekends after chemo but during the week he has been going for walks and even took his bike for a spin the other day. It was a very long winter for us, for Doug is usually busy downhill skiing and the two of us snowshoe and cross country ski. This year we are extra thankful for spring so that we can get out. Our son and Doug’s best friend cleared our deck of snow a couple of weeks ago (yes, we still have snow on the ground!!) so that we can sit in the sunshine and soak up the vitamin D!!
    His blood work has improved since December and his confusion has been better now that we are keeping the ammonia levels down with lactulose. I have concerns of his swelling, but we will get that checked into on Tuesday.
    During chemo last week (which is out of town for us) my youngest daughter and I power shopped and bought dresses for the upcoming wedding of my son on May the 7th. After chemo we took Doug out to buy a new suit. He is so happy with his purchase and we are all so excited to have such a wonderful event to look forward to.
    Oh, and with Doug feeling better I have returned to work 22 hours a week. Just finished my first week on friday and I am tired!! Well tired too because I took my Brownies (Girl Guides) for an overnight trip to a Science Centre yesterday. It was a lot of fun but the sleeping is never great – lol! My own bed will feel great tonight!
    We put laughter and hope into each day and move forward. Wishing everyone a warm and happy spring!

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