Personalized medicine cancer tests.

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    Searched for more info on this story but all I could find was the same press release rewritten in other articles.


    Hi Nancy, Thank you for that! No I am not a researcher, I am a full time carer for my mum. However, I did economics at uni and got used to doing research and stuff for my courseworks and studies. Plus I like to keep a close eye on the financial markets and again that involves some research and googling. I would be lost without google!!

    Hi Marion, Thank you also. And I too from reading the article thought that this announcement was basically an announcement that the 2 companies will be collaborating in the future to design these tests, but that they are not available right now. I think this piece is an announcement to the markets basically that the 2 companies are involved in this development, and that this is price sensitive information so would have to be announced in a formal way to the stock exchange. At least that is the way that it would be announced in the UK if it were 2 UK companies and I’m guessing it is similar in the US. Plus it is good publicity for the 2 companies involved hence my reluctance to post stuff I find that are company specific, but I thought this one was worth posting.

    I will keep this on my radar as well and post anything else that I find, and fingers crossed indeed that this can lead somewhere. Seegene have a number here, +301-762-9066 and I’m guessing that this is their investor relations dept.

    Thank you both.



    Still trying to reach someone however, it does not appear as if these testings are available at the present. This is what I have read: “The initial tests to be developed will be for non small cell lung cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and cholangiocarcinoma.” We should stay on top of this and see if Cholangiocarcinoma tests will be approved. I am still puzzled as to what gene they are focusing on. Let’s cross our fingers for good news.


    Gavin, you are always a wealth of information. Are you a researcher in your “work” life??? You’re good at it! Appreciate all the hard work you do for all of us out here still fighting. Nancy


    Sounds really good Gavin however, I am skeptical re: the CC. I will try to get in touch with them.
    Thanks for your endless searches


    I find a lot of company specific news items when googling but don’t really like posting them in case people think I may have an interest in a specific company, but this piece today I thought worthy of posting here.

    “Seegene’s new personalized medicine cancer tests will be based on its highly accurate and efficient multiplex PCR technology (DPO) and real-time PCR technology (READ), which will detect genetic mutations indicative of certain cancers. The initial tests to be developed will be for non small cell lung cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and cholangiocarcinoma.

    In the clinic oncologists will use these new molecular diagnostic tests to determine the genomic profile of a patient’s tumor to understand if the patient is likely to respond to cancer therapies, such as tamoxifen, or chemotherapy, or even if the cancer will return or metastasize.”

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