Mother in law recently diagnosed – Unable to perform the Whipple Surg

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Mother in law recently diagnosed – Unable to perform the Whipple Surg

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    Oh, SFC, Dr. Koep! It doesn’t get any better than him. I am so happy about that. If your MIL lneeds to talk or just wants to meet me while she is still here, just holler! Yes, one day at a time and “attitude is everything”.


    Hi Lainy,
    I thought I would write and give you an update. My mother in laws doctor is Dr. Koep. She’s out of the hospital now. The removed her bile bag and put in a stent. We’re hoping that she’ll be able to travel back home in about two weeks. She needs to find a good Oncologist in the Virginia Beach, VA area. She isn’t sure if she’s having Chemo and radiation or what the plan is going to be. Thank you so much for all of your kindness. It’s great to know that I have a contact out in Phoenix now “just in case.” It makes me feel better if anything so I really appreciate everything. I hope you are doing well. Remember, one day at a time.


    Yes, I am in Phoenix. I am wondering if you know who she is seeing here. My husband used and I use Dr. Jack Cavalant at Banner Desert for an ONC. Also I want you to know that about 2 weeks ago there was an article in the paper that Mayo here is coming into it’s own now with CC patients. One more dynamic duo, the very best are Dr. Koep and Dr. James Cashman. Both are great. Dr. Cashman used to be the director of organ transplants at Banner Samartian. He had told us that he has done many Whipples. One of our members, Bob32 just had surgery with Dr. Koep and raved about him. I hope your inlaws invite the family in, this is horrible to take on their own and being out of town! When my husband jaundiced and had his Whipple we were in Milwaukee visiting family and our 2 week vacation lasted 3 months. If you ever want, I would be very happy to meet with them or at the least talk with them. Oh, I am actually in Sun Lakes about 1/2 hour from downtown Phoenix.


    Hello SFC and welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to join us. I am very sorry to hear about your mother-in-law and the aborted Whipple. My husband had a Whipple 5 years ago and I know that they will not proceed if the Cancer has spread, but what kind of spread I do not know as Teddy had all clean margins. Is there some way your MIL can get her Oncologist to speak with you and explain why they did not proceed with the surgery? Is this surgeon familiar with CC and has he had other CC patients? The only other suggestion I can make is for her to get a second opinion. We heartily believe in 2, 3 or 4 opinions until you feel you have the right one. I am sure if she asks for you to be put on the ONC list you will then be privy to all information. Oh, and you could ask her to take a tape recorder to each visit and then play back the visit for the family. You didn’t mention her age but in my heart I don’t beleive anyone in the world should go through the CC journey alone. Please keep us posted, we truly care.


    Hello everyone,
    I was hoping that someone could answer a few questions for me. My mother in law was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma about a month ago. Unfortunately they are currently living far away from everyone in the family, so we’re trying to get information about her condition but are being kept in the dark. We’re basically trying to figure out what stage she’s in by piecing together information.

    They scheduled her to have the whipple surgery, and then they ended up not performing the procedure. They opened her up and saw nodules on her stomach. From what I have been able to gather, she has a small spot of cancer on her stomach, and a small spot on her liver. The cancer is bile duct cancer, and she currently has a bag outside her body to collect her bile. Does this sound like a Stage IV?

    My heart goes out to all of you that are battling or taking care of someone. Keep your faith in God.

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