Discussion Board Forums Introductions! I NEED OPTIONS

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    Hi Anne,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but glad that you have joined in with us all here. I can’t help with treatment centres and Medicare as I am from the UK, but I just wanted to join in with the others in welcoming you here. I hope that you will keep coming back here, post away, ask any questions, vent, shout whatever, we will all be here for you. I hope that what the others have said to you helps and please let us know how you get on.

    My best wishes to you,



    Welcome. I agree that you should give Medicare a call and look for a cancer center that offers coverage. I wish you the best of luck!


    Dear Anne- Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I think Lainy’s idea to call medicare would cut to the chase. I also noticed you mentioned Columbia MO which is only 90 miles to Barnes-Jewish in St. Lousi MO. Barnes is one of the few cc centers, it also has on staff the man who saved my life, Dr. William Chapman. You can read all mine and other post on this remarkable man.
    Lots of prayers and hope-Cathy


    Dear Anne, welcome to our wonderful family, sorry you had to join us. I feel another opinion is definitely in order. I would call Medicare and find out what they say you can do or not do. The smaller Cancer centers you mention are not always the best for CC. My suggestion would be to perhaps start with another ONC in your city and at least get his/her opinion. We don’t take some doctor’s attitudes lightly especially when they give up. Not acceptable. I know you willl be hearing from some more members here but what city do you live in as that might help us.


    Anne, sorry you had to find us. Welcome! I have Medicare and have not had any problems getting treated at NY Presbyterian in NYC for both a resection in 2009 and continuing followup care there with only minimal costs for what Medicare and supplemental BC/BS doesn’t cover. My costs for transportation have been more than the medical care, and there has never been an issue of denial of treatment because of Medicare.

    I would expect you should have lots of options, including getting more treatment opinions. I wish you well in your quest.


    my name is anne rowan, and i was diagnosed with cc in early fall of 2009.
    i have had a resection of my liver and gall bladder removed, but 3 tumors
    reappeared in 2010. i then had chemoembolization 11/30/10. a scat scan
    done this march showed the tumors were reduced, but a new one is
    present. the oncologist said there was nothing more he could do for me.
    his final words were,”go home and take the trip of your life.”
    surely there are other options for me??????
    the cancer centers of america will not take me because i am on medicare,
    and i can’t afford to go to md anderson.
    i have called cancer associates of columbia mo, but so far they have not
    returned my call for an appointment.
    i’m curious about possible medications that might prolong the inevitable.
    i feel very healthy, i exercise, and play tennis. i just turned 70 years old, and i’m not ready to give up!!!!!

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