Can someone tell me about Xeloda?

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Can someone tell me about Xeloda?

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    Cindy….I agree with the others in that I would research another opinion. Where are you located?
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Cindy, I am so sorry to hear of Mom’s results. I would definitely opt for a 2nd opinion, we are great supporters of that or even 3 or 4. Where is Mom being treated, perhaps we have soe members in your area who can help with ONC suggestions. Hang in and be strong for Mom and most of all have HOPE!


    It is related to 5FU,a first-line chemo agent to fight CC and colon cancer.It is taken by mouth twice daily (12hr apart)within 30 min. of a meal and with about 200ml or water to flush it down.
    Side effects are diarrhea/constipation ,hand and foot syndrome ,mouth sores and fatigue. For most patients the side effects are manageable using medications.(lomotil,imodium/colace and miralax; creams and moisturizers,nystatin and baking soda mouthwash to relieve the corresponding symptoms.)
    Xeloda most of the time are used with Gemzar ,but it can be used “off protocol” by itself too.
    Have a second opinion if you don’t feel you are satisfied with your current oncologist’s treatment plans for your mother.
    I hope the info. helps.


    Hello Everyone,

    After 6 treatments with Gemzar and Carboplatin, my mom had her CT scan. It showed growth (the doctor did not say how much), but no spread. She has stage IV CC, involving her liver and lymph nodes.

    They have decided to switch her to oral Xeloda as a way to try something else. Can anyone tell me anything about this chemo drug? Has anyone had any success with it? I know the lack of spread is great news, but the growth is worrisome. The doctor has referred to this as her last option. Do you know of any others?

    Thank you for listening,

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