Transplant helpful???

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    Debora-I would definetly get a second. I did not qualify for a partial liver because it involved my hepatic artery, that was why I need a transplant. The reason I would not have qualified if it had spread, something that could have happenned even while I did treatment. I would definetly get another opinion from a hospital with a cc program (usually a teaching hospital). The worst thing that can happen is it will validate the first. I would of course recommend Dr. Chapman, but as you read through these post a couple of names keep appearing like Jim Wildes doctor, Dr. Kato.
    There is HOPE so keep looking until you know you are at the right place.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Your story is incredible!!! Celebrate your anniversary of cancer-freeness [?] :)
    However, I did tell my grandma I would donate parts of my liver to her, but the doctors said that the tumor is too big and it’s by some major artery, I think. I’m not quite sure, I heard my dad talking about why she was inoperable. My gran told me that the doctors said liver transplant wouldn’t help, too…. should I try to get a 2nd opinion?


    Deb- Inoperable is one of the reasons for a transplant. My cc was inoperable. Please read Gavins new post and read my story at under christmas miracle. My cc was right in the fingers of the bile duct involving my vein. Please feel free to have your grandma contact me if she wants to talk to someone who had CC and will be 2 years cancer free on May 24
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    That’s incredible!
    However, a transplant won’t be going on because my grandma is inoperable. Have you happened to hear any other “cures” that don’t involve surgery? We’re doing chemo and radiation, but anything else?


    Debora-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I will be 3 years cancer free on May 24, 2011 due to a liver transplant!!! I really ended up having 2. I would love for you to read my store at under Christmas miracle, sharing my story is the one way I can honor my donors and pay it forward.
    I would suggest since you are in Wisconsin you contact Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. Barnes is one of the few cholangio centers. Dr. Chapman is the most amazing man and doctor.
    My understanding about cc is a transplant is one of the few cures, since everything including bile ducts are removed.
    Please feel free to email me if I can be of any help.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Debora,that’s a good question for your grans doctors. It may be true, but my knowledge is limited pretty much to my own circumstance. I think there have been some successful transplants done for cc patients. My understanding is that surgery generally (resection or whipple) presents the best hope for a ‘cure’. But, ask this of the doctors.


    I’ve done some reading, and I heard that there’s no proof that if choloangiocarcinoma patients get transplants it helps?? Is this true???????

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