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  • #50264

    jackie….welcome to our site. Additionally, if tumors are less than 6 cm stereotactic radiosurgery such as Cyberknife or, Gamma knie (there are others also) may be an option. You may want to consult with a radiology oncologist. Be sure to gather copies of everything pertaining to the diagnoses including, blood tests, CT scans, MRI, physicians reports. All are very important to collect (patients are entitled to their records.)
    All my best wishes,


    My suggestion is that,if the liver lesions is small(ie, ( fewer than 4 spots)and not metastasized to other locations, ablation(RFA) or the combination of embolization and RFA may be another option.
    God bless.


    Hi everyone! My sister was diagnosed with cc in oct 2009 just 4 months after we lost my mom to alzheimers. She underwent the dreaded whipple in nov of that year. Surgery and recovery went pretty well. They thought they got it all but put her through chemo and radiation “just in case,” the just in case has turned up. In a feb cat scan they found suspicious spots on her liver, has had cysts in past. Did first biopsy at the beginning of this month, that was negative. Doctor did not believe and repeated biopsy on different spot, that was indeed positive. She is going to be 59 in aug., I hope. Starting in two weeks she starts gemzar and cisplatin in a combo. She had gemzar before but now they are adding the cisplatin. If any one has any good news or ideas, please share. We are pretty devastated!

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