Jaundice back again

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    Dear Kim,

    I am sorry to hear this. Like Marions husband, my dads vomiting increased over time. He tried a variety and type of medications for this with varying amounts of success. You are right in that making your dad as comfortable as possible is so important here and I know that you and your brother will do this for him. I too was my dads carer and I know what you are going through right now. Hospice care will be a big help to you all right now if that is available and they helped my dad so much, and I am sure that they would also be of great help to your dad. We are all here for you.

    Thinking of you right now,



    Kim I am very sorry to hear this update about your Dad and yes as always comfort is the key word.
    I second the vote for Hospice as they will know what to do to make him comfortable. Not sure how it works where you are but here the Oncologist has to set it up then they come out to the home immediately and everyone will feel better, mostly Dad. Prayers going out to you and your family.


    Kim….In my husbands case the vomiting increased even without the food intake. We had been told that the blockage eventually did not allow fluid to pass. You are so right. It is all about keeping your Dad comfortable. Do you have in home hospice or hospice facilities in Australia?
    My heart is with you.


    Dad had a metal stent inserted 14 mths ago when he was diagnosed with cc. His colour has been fine until the last week or so, when he became quite yellow again. The Dr has said they can’t replace the stent for 2 reasons – he wouldn’t survive the surgery and his lived is so enlarged that the jaundice is a minor problem. He is still at home & my brother, sister & I are caring for him. I don’t think he will be able to stay at home much longer. He has lost more weight, can’t keep much down in the way of food- although he has been having sustagen type drinks. Not much we can do other than keep him comfortable.

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