My Story…

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    My thoughts and prauers go to you and your family. Mom is at peace and happy , the grief is left for you.


    Dear Love Mom,

    Thanks for sharing that lovely poem and your story with all of us. It is all too familiar to me. My husband passed away in September 2008 in much the same way as your mom. He was 62. I found this site a few days later and the people here have helped me so much. I have learned so much and shared so much with others here. I hope you will keep coming back. The support of others who truely understand is so comforting. Try to take comfort in knowing that although this is all so very hard on you and your family, atleast your mom is at peace and no longer suffering. She will always be with you in your heart and memories. Take care and keep coming back.

    With Love & Hugs,


    thank u to all for ur kind words…and thank u lainy for that wonderful poem, i loved it.

    this is one i love too….

    God saw you getting tired
    And a cure was not to be,
    So He put His arms around you
    And whispered


    So sorry for you to lose your Mom so quickly. I know your youngest sibling will be in good hands having so many older brothers and sisters to guide and love her. Hold dear to the precious memories you have of your Mom. It’s so important you have peace knowing she is now in heaven watching over you. Again, my condolences. Pam


    Dear LOVEMOM, I am so sorry about your Mother but she is now in a more Peaceful place. The only thing we know for sure about CC is that it is never the same for everyone. When someone you love becomes a Memory, the Memory becomes a treasure.

    When you lose someone you love,
    Your life becomes strange,
    The ground beneath you becomes fragile,
    Your thoughts make your eyes unsure;
    And some dead echo drags your voice down
    Where words have no confidence
    Your heart has grown heavy with loss.
    And though this loss has wounded others too,
    No one knows what has been taken from you
    When the silence of absence deepens.
    There are days when you wake up happy;
    Again inside the fullness of life,
    Until the moment breaks
    And you are thrown back
    Onto the black tide of loss.
    Days when you have your heart back,
    You are able to function well
    Until in the middle of work or encounter,
    Suddenly with no warning,
    You are ambushed by grief.
    More than you, it knows its way
    And will find the right time
    To pull and pull the rope of grief
    Until that coiled hill of tears
    Has reduced to its last drop.
    Gradually, you will learn acquaintance
    With the invisible form of your departed;
    And when the work of grief is done,
    The wound of loss will heal
    And you will have learned
    From that gap in the air
    And be able to enter the hearth
    In your soul where your loved one
    Has awaited your return
    All the time.


    Hello lovemom, So sorry to hear of the passing of your mom and so quickly. This cancer does that sometimes and for others it’s years, and for some a cure. Not sure why the doctors did not tell you it was cholangiocarcinoma, except maybe they did not know until autopsy. It took 2 months of testing for my husband to get a diagnosis. It can be tricky to diagnose at times.
    A mother of 5 and grandmother of 2 will make a perfect angel! I am sure she is watching over you all right now. Take care. Nancy


    Hello to all, my mom was diagnosed with “sarcomatoid carcinoma” at age 54, on April 5th 2011….We had a rough battle for about a month, and God decided He needed another Angel to look over us on May 11,2011. I wish i would have found this website earlier but doctors never told us it was cholangiocarcinoma until we received the death certificate! I googled it and found this….I really wish mom could have had more time with us…she leaves behind a husband, 5 children (youngest-11yrs old) and 2 grandchildren. Everything just happened so fast…never thought this could happen to us. I still cant believe it. :”( there isnt a minute i dont think about her.
    Love and Miss you very much MA!!!!

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