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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! First Timer..

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  • #50709

    Hi Milesaway,

    I’m so sorry about your grandfather. I will keep him and your family in my thoughts and prayers. My dad was diagnosed not long ago and he is in the Southern California area. After reading through this wonderful sight, and receiving such great advice, we went for a second opinion at UCLA in Santa Monica and were told basically the same thing that he was told through his doctors at Kaiser Permanente. When contacting for other opinions they will ask for all medical records information and based on my not so good experience in faxing from one hospital to the other, I suggest hand-carrying them with you.

    We didn’t go to USC but have heard only great things. Based on some research I did, and have stored for future reference if necessary is UCSF. They seem to have ongoing research specifically to CC (



    Dear milesaway……much more information will be shared with you once you have a chance of speaking with the treating physicians. But, one thing you can be assured of: the upcoming stinting will make your grandpa much more comfortable.
    Your grandpa needs someone to speak on his behalf and help him make informed decisions. You are the someone and you are taking on a important role. I agree with Lainy in that you might want to request all medical records including, blood test, physician


    Marions, one of the moderators, lives in the SF area and should be up on the best CA care facilities. I would suggest sending her an email … she’s very knowledgeable and helpful. Good luck.


    Dear Milesaway, welcome to our wonderful family and I am so sorry to hear about your Grandfather. First may I say what a wonderful Grandchild you are!
    I would first ask his doctor if he can be transferred. Then ask your Grandfather what he thinks. You might want to suggest that he should not be all alone. Then IF the decision is made to take him with you, make sure you have copies of all his tests and results. There are some fine doctors where you live and I am sure members will be along today to give you names. In the meantime we have a list on the home page titled HOSPITALS and you may get some ideas there. Best of luck to you and please keep us posted.


    Hello, I am getting on a plane monday to fly to south carolina where my grandfather is in the hospital dieing, with this cancer. i’ve been told so many different things..including you have only weeks maybe 2 months. he just discovered this problem and now the surgeon says..maybe surgery..the hospitalist says..just keep him comfortable the tumor is in a bad spot so on monday they are going to try a radiology guided stent procedure, this should help with liver function. what are your opinions of moving him to california. does anyone know of a good doctor in the south bay area? Torrance, Long Beach, Santa Monica? He is all alone back there so I was thnking of having him fly out and stay with me, even if that means hospice. it has helped reading the post on this site, very informative and my heart goes out to all of you…

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