Perhaps a cure is possible!

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Perhaps a cure is possible!

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  • #50952

    Fantastic news. Thanks for sharing. Keep it coming our way.
    All my best wishes,


    fingers crossed and thanks for sharing your news!


    Vtimm, YIPPEE! Wonderful, gargantuan news! Doesn’t get an better than this.
    Thank you for the good news report and please keep us posted on how you are doing while you enjoy your summer. :):)


    I recently had my appts at Mayo in Rochester – they did another MRI, blood work and I met with my oncologist. I am sharing this will all of you to provide hope and faith that great things do happen! My blood work was all normal, my margins were all clean, there is no sign of reoccurance other than some suspicious tissue which they are 99% positive is simply scar tissue from the surgery. In my mind – I call that a cure and a miracle at that keep the faith, hope and prayers going and I hope there are many many more success stories posted on this page!

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