Discouraged by infections

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    Ha, ha, Lainy….this must have been one of my clearer moments.


    Marion, thank you again. Blood culture was the phrase I was trying to think of last week and it totally escaped me. You think its fun growing older???????


    Milli…as Lainy has mentioned infections are difficult to treat and occur frequently; certainly we have seen our share on this site. Often times as in the case of your Mom it seems to take forever to finally respond to the antibiotics. At times we have seen for one particular medication to achieve a better response than the other. I assume that a blood culture has been taken.
    Hoping for things to move forward quickly.
    All my best wishes,


    BTW, Levaquin will be available as GENERIC in the States on July ,2011.
    one of the generic drug companies which will manufacture levofloxacin is Hospira .
    And it would be much cheaper than the Brand-name Levaquin.
    God bless.


    Sorry to hear she is in the hospital again, however, drain change could be a good thing and perhaps solve the problem! Best of luck.


    Thank you Lainy. Unfortunately she’s back in the hospital again with another infection, possible drain change tomorrow. Probably won’t make it to St Louis this week now. I believe she was on Levaquin once-but I think she’s been on them all at this point!


    Hello Milli and welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to join us. Infections are very common with stents and with CC. All I can do is suggest what they used to give my husband as it knocked the infection right out and that was Levaquin. It never made him upset either. Best of luck to you and you are going to a fine Hospital for CC care. Please keep us posted on your mother.


    My mom was diagnosed with CC in March 2011. She has 3 external drains. Since March she has had nothing but infection after infection. They say the infection is in her bile in an area of her liver that cannot be drained, therefore nothing but antibiotics can do anything. I am not happy with this answer. Antibiotics make her feel awful, she doesn’t want to eat and is losing weight. They cannot start chemotherapy until the infection is gone. We have appointments at Barnes Jewish in St Louis with the transplant team, but she cannot stay infection free long enough to get there. We feel as if we’re running in circles and have stalled. We’re so discouraged. Has anyone encountered this before?

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