Hard dealing with Sisters Cholangiocarcinoma diagnosis

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    Dear Sunshine,

    I am sorry to hear of your sisters passing, please accept my sincerest condolences. My thoughts are with you and your family.



    Dear Sunshine, So sorry to hear of your sister’s passing. You have been through so much losing your brother in law and then your sister. Both sound like such wonderful people; your brother in law being sick for so long but keeping such a positive outlook and your sister sacrificing so much to care for the man she loved. I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that they are together again. I also hope you have found someone you can talk to about this. I know how hard it is to talk about it but in the long run it is harder on you to hold it in.
    Thank you for asking for donations for research. As you can see there is a long way to go to find a cure for all and there are many fighting. Take care of yourself and don’t be afraid to keep looking for support from this board. Hugs. Nancy


    Dear Sunshine, I am so very sorry about yur sister, please accept my heartfelt sympathies.

    Your Sister, through your memories
    Will never leave you.
    You will feel her tender care from now on
    As a warm serenity in your heart.
    Hoping you always feel the encouragement
    Of her love, and hold in memory
    All the happy times you spent together.


    Well….Its August 14 and I thought I give an update…….We lost my sister on July 27. Cholangiocarcinoma is one mean and painful disease that I hope no one ever has to endure. I was with my sister the last 3 weeks of her life and it was terrible the pain and suffering she had to go through.
    I pray that a cure is found soon………We asked for donations be sent to the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation to help with research. My heart goes out to everyone with loved ones with this terrible disease.


    Dear Sunshine, welcome to our wonderful family but I am so truly sorry about your ‘heart breaking’ story. So much to contend with. The only suggestion I can give about your sister would be a 2nd opinion as we are huge believers in 2nd, 3rd and even more.
    You have had your world caved in but please don’t keep others out. They are all there to get us through times like this. One thing doesn’t make sense to me. IF she only has 2 weeks left why give her any chemo at all? May I ask where your sister is being treated? For you, I would suggest talking to your clergy if you have one, a therapist or Dr. Giles for some thoughts on how to get through this.
    Please keep us posted on how your sister is doing.


    You are experiencing a wide array of emotions including the grieving for your dear brother in-law and that in addition to your sister’s diagnoses is quite a bit, indeed.
    Sunshine….I am sure for others to chime in real soon. Additionally though, I would like to point out also that you might want to reach out to our Dr. Giles, a clinical psychologist. He is here for all of us, anytime. Over the years Dr. Giles has helped me through some major rough spots and he may very well do the same for you. Give it a try.
    You may find him by:
    Top bar,
    Patient support,
    Dr. Giles
    In the meantime keep talking to our members. The knowledge, compassion, and support offered are unsurpassed and unlike anything I have ever experienced.
    All my best wishes,


    My sister and I are very close but there is a distance between where we live… Her life has been very hard and trying……Her husband of 42 yrs was diagnosed with Alpha I Antitripsin disease and had been sick for at least 15 yrs., with the last 3 being very terrible. Downsizing at her place of employment caused her to have to transfer hundreds of miles away just to be able to have insurance coverage for her husband. So…. he stayed at their home (as he was unable to travel) and she had to move and leave him with their 3 grown children to take care of him………….The last 3 years of his life they spent every Christmas with him in the hospital. My sister finally was able to take early retirement so she was able to care for him…….She had been retired about 2 years and got sick this past September…..was sent to the closest big city to a very well known hospital…..Surgery was scheduled thinking she had rupturing ovarian cysts. Buddy did we get the shock of a lifetime…Her ovaries were fine but there was a large spot on her liver…we were told immediately that it was cancer, inoperable, and stage 4…..A different Dr. came in and said that he could do surgery and then treat her with chemo and/or radiation. They chose her to have the surgery……Since then she has gone through chemo AND loosing her dear husband of 42 years, Drs. told us after the surgery she had 9 to 12 months. She is getting no better with the treatment. Last week she wnet for a new scan on Monday and went back Thursday for what should have been her last chemo treatment……instead the Dr. said they were back to square 1.. change the chemo to oral and said she has only weeks left.
    I am really having an extremely difficult time with all of this. I loved her husband so much…….he was such good, kind and loving man……never had a bad word for anyone and always believing the best in everyone. And I sooo LOVE my sister and I’m not ready to loose her. I am letting this comsume me….it is all I think about …I’m already on meds. for this but nothing seems to work.

    How do I deal with this so my sister won’t see what it is doing to me…..And what do I tell MY family……I don’t want to do anything, talk to anyone and this is hard because I work with the public. My husband thinks he has done something to me all the time because I just want to be left alone. When something happens to her, besides my spouse, 2 kids and 3 grand kids all the family I will have left is my Mom who is 88 and a sister that I hardly get along with.

    I’m so sorry for all this rambling but I thought it might help me.

    I hope to be a new friend and I need all the prayers available.

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