suggestions needed for foods

Discussion Board Forums Nutrition suggestions needed for foods

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  • #51371

    Kathy…We have seen this quite often. You want to make sure that your Dad does not do anything that can cause bruising or possibly getting cut since the blood will not clot as well. Staying away from sick people is really important too. Several of our members received filgrastim injections in order to increase platelets, but generally the farther out from chemo the more like the platelets will rebound.
    Regarding anemia: Iron rich food such as Apples, Asparagus, Bananas, Beets, Broccoli, Brown Rice, Carrots, Honey, Lean red meats, Plums, all have been talked about.
    Some doctors prescribed procrit for our patients however, in June the FDA offered a warning that this medicine should only be used in patients suffering from severe anemia.
    Of course you would want to discuss this with the treating physician.
    Others may come forward and share some of their thoughts with you also.
    All my best wishes,


    My dad’s platelet count and HGB have been low from the chemo.Does anyone have any good suggestions for foods that might help increase platelet production and anemia?

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