Mother in law diagnosed this January with CC

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Mother in law diagnosed this January with CC

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    JB…..My heart is with you in this difficult time. Is your mother in law being cared for in a hospice facility or, is she at home? And, is she heavily sedated?
    Thinking of you and sending tons of love your way,


    JB this is very hard to answer as so many eventually pass in different ways. We just don’t know. All we can do is make our loved ones as comfortable as we can and use this time for precious memories. Your Mom is in Hospice, ask them for their booklet and they also have one on what to expect as the end nears. Very helpful. I think for the most part with CC or at least with my husband he ate less, slept more, had much less energy. The Hospice Nurses will moniter her closely and if you think theyshould come more often they will. Please just make sure she is comfortable and they can see to that as well. My heart goes out to you as it was so recently that I went through this. Stay strong!


    We just found out that the cancer has spread through her lymph nodes and she has a collapsed lung. We are hearing a week maybe three now for her prognosis. What actually ends her life? Pneumonia???


    Hi Jbfarlei,

    Welcome to the site. I am sorry that you had to find us all and I am so sorry to hear about your mother in law. But I am very glad that you have joined in with us all as you will get so much support from all of us. I lost my dad to CC back in 2009 and I so know how you are feeling right now and what you are going through. You are right in that it is so hard to sit there and watch a loved go through this, and we do feel so helpless as well.

    My dad was also under hospice care for the last 2 weeks of his life and was in the hospice rather than having hospice care at home. They did everything that they possibly could to make my dad as comfortable as possible, and I so agree with what Marion and Lainy have said to you about your mother in laws comfort being the most important thing here. I spent so much time with my dad when he was in hospice and we made many memories that I will alwayts cherish. We talked a lot when he felt like talking and talked of many things from the past and shared many laughs over things that happened during the years. It was a very precious time and I so hope that you can all make many memories for yourselves.

    Does the morphine work for your mother in law? In my dads case, he was getting his meds through a syringe driver so that he was getting a constant supply of medication, and when he needed it he was also getting pain killing injections. Please know that we are all here for you. We know what you are going through right now and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your mother in law,



    JB…..area of symptom control. First and foremost it is about comfort care for the patient, and hospice will provide this. The family will be able to spend precious time with her and as Lainy has mentioned, it is a good time for making memories with all. Look for clues in your mother in law’s behavior. She may want to think about happy times, she may want to laugh and share stories and she may just want to go on living as normal as possible. Our Kris once mentioned: she wanted to spend each day living rather than spending it dying. I know how hard this can be. I have been there also by loosing my husband to this cancer. Four years later I find comfort in those memories so very precious to us and many of those memories were made within his last months of his life.
    You might also want to reach out for some support with either a counselor or someone else you can trust.
    We also have a great resource on our site by the name of Dr. Giles. He is here for everyone. You may find him: top bar, patient support, Dr. Giles. You may be able to relate to some of the postings he has received and you may find comfort in his responses. You can count on us. We are here for you, and we care.
    All my best wishes,


    Dear JB, welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to join us. I am so very sorry to hear about your Mom and now your Mother-in-law. Hospice is the best choice as our goal is to make our loved ones as comfortable as possible. When I reached this time with my husband we spent our last 4 months making many happy memories. Life does not stop because one is in Hospice, I see it as a time to build many precious memories. Your Mother-in-law is very lucky and I am sure glad to have you beside her on this journey. I am hoping a peaceful and pain free time for her and to you try to be very strong. Prayers to all of your family.


    Thank you so much for the kind words. It is so hard for us to watch someone we love go through this awful disease. She is in hospice care and basically is just taking morphine for the pain. I know there are really no more options for treatment at this point. Are there any other options other than sit and wait for the outcome we all know is coming????


    jbfarlei….welcome to the club no one wants to belong to, but is happy to have found. I am sorry to hear of your mother and the problem she is in encountering with progression of this disease. I much understand your feelings of helplessness especially, since you have just recently lost your Mom. My heart goes out to everyone involved.
    Everything should be done to relief your mother in laws pain. However, have you spoken with her physician? What has been suggested in order to help her along with symptom control?
    Please, share more with us. The members on this site are caring and knowledgeable and we will stand by you, all the way.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi everyone.. My mother in law was diagnosed with CC back in January. Since then she has tried some alternative medicine with Dr Buttar in North Carolina, but that did not do much good. She recently had a 3rd CT scan that showed that the cancer had spread into her stomach and lungs, as well as in her liver which now shows bigger and more lesions than before. It is very difficult for us to see her in pain and she has basically given up. She does not want to do any more treatment or anything to relieve any of her symptoms except morphine. We all feel helpless and do not want to see her in pain and suffering. I recently lost my mom to MS and hate to see another one of my family memebers go through what she did. I am glad to have found a site like this where I am sure others are dealing with similar situations….

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