Advice about food and taste

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  • #51925

    Thanks for your advice and info. Truly appreciate it!


    Hi Lourdes, I agree with Maria and Lainy. When Doug had no interest in foods I could get him to drink homemade fruit smoothies with whey protein powder added. Like Lainy and Teddy we moved to homemade soups and moved up from there. Now that Doug is 2 months past chemo he is enjoying the tastes and varieties of food more.


    When Teddy had his Whipple and later radiation he pretty much didn’t like the taste of many things including his favorite, chocolate! I started out slowly by making old fashioned home style things (mostly chicken) like homemade chicken soup chock full of noodles, Chicken paprika over noodles, beef stew with the beef cut smaller than bite size. Nothing fried or too sweet. He loved cheese omlettes and deviled eggs. Spagetti sauce over small pasta. Everything in small potions, you can freeze the rest for later. Eventually his eating regime will return to normal but it takes time.


    Smoothies with fresh berries and fat milk/youghurt! Calories and vitamins without the feeling of eating.


    Good Morning,

    My dad recently had his 2nd embolization and has not had very much interest in food as he doesn’t find anything with much taste. Does anyone have any advice on this or suggestions that they have tried?

    Thank you!

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