Remember: Important webinar, today

Discussion Board Forums Announcements Remember: Important webinar, today

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  • #5511

    this link will get you there:

    2011 Updates in Bile Duct Cancer and Other Biliary Tract Diseases
    As part of our ongoing educational series, The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation invites you to join us for two upcoming web-based seminars that feature highlights of biliary tract research from a few of the annual meetings held in 2011.

    We kick off August with a review of cholangiocarcinoma research. Dr. Ghassan K. Abou-Alfa from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center will lead the discussion, which will include noteworthy updates from the 2011 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium and the 2011 American Society for Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting. A question and answer session will follow Dr. Abou-Alfa

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